How can this happen.
Latest posts made by deskpilot
RE: Configuring Servos
I want to customize the slider/controller but where do I find it in SP UI? Activating the torque joint, I get the usual values etc but not the part you mention, quote:
The slider command has 4 arguments to it:
slider(name, value=0.5, min=0.0, max=1.0)How do I open this line?
RE: Configuring Servos
Anton, you mention changing the slider attributes before you mention the plugin. This indicates to me that one can change the slider attributes some-where else. If so, where, exactly. I have loaded the Attribute Inspector plugin but that doesn't seem to do it as easily as you suggest.
RE: How to return a mechanism to the the original position?
Happy to be of service. Well done. What program did you use to make the video?
RE: How do I make indestructible parts in sketchyphysics?
I'm no expert but, just as you can't copy joints and expect them to work, perhaps there is a limit to the number of times you can drag a copy. Why not try a smaller number of links, then copy that entire length rather than just to last 2 links or so. You might have to change your model status to 'compound 2'. As I said, I'm no expert.
Edit. make sure your individual links are solid.
RE: How to return a mechanism to the the original position?
I'[m not sure if joints and springs will join together. If they don't, place a small block between them to anchor to. That make sense?
RE: How to return a mechanism to the the original position?
If I understand your question right, you need the spring to follow the arc of the control stick end. Try putting a hinge at each end of the spring so that it can change it's orientation in space as the stick end moves through it's arc. You may need a mount of some sort to connect hinge/spring/hinge joints.
Does that make sense to you? -
RE: Moving small objects ...... not working ?!?!?!
I have a similar problem to Redblock. Where does one change the world scale, and ditto the query about over-sized joints when working on small dimension models. I'm working on a bicycle chain of approximate true size.
Anton, tried your idea but nought came of it. BTW, using SP3.5.6 in SU2014 -
RE: Simulation aborted
Thanks Anton. Not quite right but I'll have a go myself now that I've up-graded to SP3.5.6
I notice that I have to modify some parts so will changing them, change your animation. ie, hide the control lever that now comes through the side of the fuselage due to a narrowed nose section, or adding the cut-outs in the floor to accept the wheel?
As for the mains, I thought I left an angled torque drive to show rotation axis. Never mind, as I said, I'll give it a go myself.
Once again, cheers.