@princedragoncok said:
@dcoop58 said:
Hi everyone!
Has anyone had issues with random sections not being completed on complex models? I have tried with some success to cut a complex shape with slicemodeler, and I get sections that have the perimeter defined, but the thickness and assembly slots are left out.
Here is a screen cap of what I am talking about:
I have been using slicer modeller almost on a daily basis for the last two months and yes it simply happens all the time - especially with complex models. The calculations just seem to be buggy. I am very tempted to hear what 1.4 is like - i really should have just paid for it by now..
A quick tip for your case however is that the intersections are crossing over at specifically difficult areas. (like at the junction of the side of the window you have made) - If you alter your spacing so that the intersections fall at simpler junctions then you should be ok.
Thanks for the tip. BTW, I am using SM V1.4 with the results you see above. I thing the main thing is that it is faster than V1.3 and fixes some bugs.