oooOOOoooo i'm intrigued by the second more dangerous version - will make a backup and give that a shot. Bummer you can't change a global "DimStyle" ...
RE: How to replace ALL fonts in a large layout document?
How to replace ALL fonts in a large layout document?
Hi There!
I have a large multipage drawing set and am trying to change the typeface of all the notes and dimensions. Can I do this in a single command or do I need to go to each page and select/replace? (I'm on Mac OS using SK/LO 2020)Thanks in advance for any help!
RE: Tool for laying groups/components flat for laser cutting?
ive switched up to v8 but i can probably find and install 7 again just to test out that script.
i realized some of the pieces that werent flattening with MattC's script were actually 'components' so i just exploded them and grouped them, they worked ok. now just need to find a way to get all the pieces to 'spread' then 'nest'.
RE: Tool for laying groups/components flat for laser cutting?
Box, yes thats more like what i am trying to do.
MattC, Thanks SO much for this script! It worked pretty well on the first run, although seems to skip some groups - i think i need to clean up my model a bit and try again.
Then, once i have all the groups flattened, do you know of a way to automate nesting them on a sheet? (like RhinoNest if you are familiar with that) Or at least move them apart on the XY plane, so that they are not intersecting?
Darrick(If nothing else, i can do this bit manually, as the script did most of the work of rotating down to the XY plane!)
Tool for laying groups/components flat for laser cutting?
Hi all, Quick question - I have a simple model of flat sheet components which I would like to 'lay flat' onto a sheet for laser cutting. That is, I'd like each group/component to rotate and be placed flat on the xy plane.
Does anyone know of a tool, ruby script, plugin, etc... that can help me expedite this process?
Or alternately, tho not as ideal, another software to bring it into?