@richard said:
Mate I know what you mean! For me Layout was a godsend as prior I was using WORD to do all plans and concepts! Layout has some short comings though with lack of shadows but that is quickly overcome with an action in PS. I'm not so sure how well Corel draw goes with shadows, I sent some artwork out last week in PDF and the shadows were lost the other end as they were using Corel and took them about ten attempts to get it close till I gave up and put up with some resolution loss and exported a PNG In lieu!
Tut wise mate help is on the way!
Oh, my "WORD"!
I remember the day when I was using Word as well. So glad that's over.
CorelDraw is really powerful, but I find it extremely unstable (frustrating would be more apt) and usually overkill for most of what I do!
Your Tut teaser is looking really promising. Can't wait!