So lets say I have a script that does a search and then hides everything that doesn't meet the criteria. Then it selects these objects. This selection has objects nested down inside the model. I thought my method to save the selection was to just save a scene with "hidden Geometry" checked.
I of course found out that scenes only save the "hidden" attribute for entities that are at the top level, so children entries keep their current "hidden" state regardless of what scene you go to. Well it isn't quite that clear cut. If I have a three objects visible in scene "A" and hidden in scene "B" and then while in scene A I group them. Those children turn to hidden when I go to scene "B" but they don't unhide again when I go back to scene "A". However if I now explode this group and click on scene "A" and "B" again, the scenes still remember which objects should be hidden and correctly display them, unless you had updated your scenes will they were grouped, then the data seems lost.
Anyway, so my point is how else do I save multiple searches for future viewing. I thought maybe there was already a plug-in that does this. Seems easy enough to create a named selection and provide interface for the user to recall this selection. Obviously some objects may have been moved, deleted or added, so it isn't the same as re-running the search.