I'm blown away by your modeling. And inspired. Hardly touched SU in two years, but I'm starting to get the itch again.

RE: Smit Panther ASD Tug
RE: White Kyoto style
very nice design. The living room bonsai looks a bit crowded in its niche.
RE: Airship in dock
Oh, the humanity! (sorry, somebody had to say it)
Fantastic scene, Bryan. But have to admit I liked the first terminal better, the one that mimicked the shape of the airship. -
RE: Life is Just a Bowl of Cherries....
Wow. If you didn't tell anyone it was a computer generated rendering, it would be mistaken for a photograph.
RE: Chemical laboratory
Very nice renders. I'm working on a medical research lab for a medical school - I toured there existing lab - no where near as neat as yours. They cram equipment into every available space.
RE: Castle Neuschwanstein - not finished yet
Damn! That's amazing, Kohls. Curious about your source materials. Did you use only photographs, or did make site visits or have access to drawings?
RE: Store Lobby
Tuna, I have a client (cell phone retailer) who is the same way when I do a model of one of their new stores - no cars, people, landscaping, or other entourage of any kind.
RE: Store Lobby
Beautiful images, but I'd put some stuff in that cupboard (what the hell is she looking at?) in the first image, as well as few do-dads on the mantle, to give it added realism. I don't know why, but everyone seems compelled to put things on a fireplace mantel.
RE: Working late
Nice images, L. One thing missing in the first image are reflections of the interior on the windows. Also, for added realism, if it's an all-nighter their desk should have coffee cups, coke cans, and candy wrappers on it
RE: 16' X 10' Apartment
@mike amos said:
Testing the water as to how low can I go. Two floors each 16' X 10' with yacht steps between.
Have you looked at the "tiny house" movement?
Really nice design, Hector. I like the contemporary approach you took (as opposed to the ubiquitous logs). You'll probably need a few diagonals on those steel columns. A few comments.
- consider introducing another species of wood. I once stayed in a cabin where the entire interior (doors, walls, cabinets, ceilings, etc.) were the same wood. It was nice wood, but overkill.
- bathrooms tend to be very humid places at times, so you might reconsider the wood walls in there.
- making a full sized bed that's pushed up against a wall aint easy - you might consider adding a few feet to those bedrooms.
- How does one get down to the river to go tubing?
RE: Studio Razavi Mountain House
It's supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. (I thought "great" or "fantastic" would be an understatement).
RE: Vertical toolbars
@box said:
@daniel said:
Apparently you cannot arrange them vertically while in the trial mode.
I have to call that nonsense. I have various computers in various states of pro, make and trial, all using the same toolbar layout.
Maybe it's just this latest version of 18. All I know is it wasn't working before I entered in my license info, hence my post.
RE: Metric vs. Imperial in your country?
I was introduced to the metric system in the late 70s, in elementary school science class - it was the billed as the wave of the future. I'm guessing that wave kinda dissipated by the time it reached U.S. shores. Some metric units have creeped in, such as 2 liter soda bottles, nutritional value units, and computer capacity measurements, I'm guessing its because either those measurements didn't exist previously or no one paid attention to them. They tried selling milk by the liter, but that never caught on. We remain very much "imperial." And, personally, I hope they don't change in my lifetime, as feet, inches, and fractions thereof are second nature to me. Architectural specifications sometimes have both units, but I stopped including metric when typing them up myself.
RE: Vertical toolbars
Thanks for the responses. I finally got the toolbars to arrange vertically, after I installed my license. Apparently you cannot arrange them vertically while in the trial mode.