Hmm. As always, thanks for the detailed thoughts.
I think I'll attack this from the angle of putting a screen note on each scene. I think this will be the cleanest approach for my application, as I have not been using transition times or scene delays. This will, I think, eliminate the issue of needing to retrieve the next scenes shadow info during the rendering process.
I do like the little snippet we've developed here. And, if I may say so, I think it's a cleaner approach than the [TBD] Time plugin on smustard (no offense to the author; I've appreciated and studied the plugin). The reason I like this approach more is that is updates instantaneously instead of at one second intervals. It also doesn't update until there is actually a change in the shadow info. If I add a on/off switch, and a few options to choose the format of the note, it will be a fully functioning utility.
I am running into a problem with this script, though. When I start SketchUp from scratch, in the first model I work on, the script works great. However, if I open an existing model, or create a new model while SketchUp is running, the script does not work in either case. Is there any obvious reason why this would be the case?