Thanks for the coments and suport guys.
I hope this card will help me get noticed but i also know there's lot of competition so it's not going to be easy...but i don't lose nothing in trying
Thanks for the coments and suport guys.
I hope this card will help me get noticed but i also know there's lot of competition so it's not going to be easy...but i don't lose nothing in trying
I'm interested in this too. For animating organic and non-organic shapes in a simple way. If it could export the animation to any of the renders sketchup use like kerkythea with be great.
Hi pbacot
One of my concerns was also if this could hurt anyone sensebility, but when you see children movies like toy story and alikes we can see toys and robots getting dismembered too, so i don't really think this can hurt anyone or it isn't political correct.
Well i did this in mind with something more than architecture because most of my late works don't even relate remotly to architecture (the last one was a redesing for the front of a mercedes-bez...) so i can say that with this i'm aiming to everything that can use my design and 3d skills (architecture, industrial design, automotive design, comercials... and so on).
The rendering for this one was indigo because the materials and scene were pretty simple and i wanted to do an unibiased render, so no need to lose time exporting and editing in other render packages. Don't know how mucj time it took to render but i left it doing while i was sleeping an in the next day just clean it with ninja noise and adjusted the colours and contrast.
Thanks for the coments guys. You like more the robot dead?!? you're evil... i can't really choose between them but probably the first one for the panic expression is face has. What do you like more in the second one?
Double Espresso: thanks for the tip but could you please explain better? i'm not really understanding what you mean (sorry for my rusty english) but if you can, could you edit my pictures and show me? or anyone can edit my picture and show.
thanks for the comemts guys but the modeling it's not mine just the posing, materials, rendering and "post production". but i understand what you mean Coen, i had to do a lot of things for a similiar project that i posted now in here:
By the way any tips for better posing and texturing in sketchup?
Hi guys
This one was born from a discussion i was having with a friend about starting working together in diferent design areas and then he told me we would need an business card diferent from the usual ones. I went home thinking about this and had the ideia of telling a smal story/scene with the card and also shooting the card in the process(not for real of corse) .
The process for this was: downloading lots of robots from 3d warehouse, chose some to work as a start point, start mixing and editing (a lot...) and redrawing some parts, draw my own parts, put everything together, set up the posing and the scene, start render...and voila. I had a lot of fun doing this and one of my favorite parts it's the tear this litle robot has in a japanese comic style.
Hope you guys like it and feel free to share some tips or tricks for future projects.
Hi andyc
Nice work you have there, i just don't like the rain effect that much because it doesn't let me apreciate completly the mood you gave to this piece. Can you post a bigger image to see better the details? and without rain if possible (i know i may be asking for too much work )?
Just for curiosity do you use a wacom? if yes is it possible to use it with skethcup?
Again, pretty cool
This is something i did more for fun and in a more VFX style. The original model it's from 3d warehouse (sorry for don't remembering from who it's from but thanks and hope you don't mind using it) and just the mapping and posing are mine. I wanted to do something where i could gain more experience mapping and posing in sketchup. The maping worked but just for still images because it has some errors in some angles (from the back) and the posing i just created some faces in the joints as helpers. This type of posing worked out well but it's for something like a robot that uses real joints and now i'm finishing another picture but for training posing in organic shapes that i'll post next.
Hope you like it
Coen Naninck:
Coen please don't seem me as someone who is atacking you or others that are defending this version 7. I'm just trying to make a point and see the two sides of this discussion. I'm really interested in the article about V7 you're gonna do because has i always say the strongest thing about sketchup it's not the software but their comunity of users an i believe that i will learn more about this version with you and others than with sketchup team or website/suport (waht's happening with info about V7 in their site?). The last thing i wanted was making you think i was beeing disrespectfull with you or others.
But i also have to say to please don't see me as a newbie to sketchup or someone that don't understand the full power of their tools. 2 years ago i did this project and then share some tips and tricks how i did it in here
This was 2 years can see that using sandbox tools "out of the box" and pushing the limitis of this software it's something i've been doing for some time now. So i now above all how it work and how it doesn't (when was the last time we used the "from contours" tool that didn't need to use after the "flip edge" tool?)
This version 7 for me it's aimed for new users, people that start using sketchup like 1 year ago or so. They will love the new features and the new layout. For the pro users and hardcore modelers this a completly fail (for now) because none of the bugs and limitations of the software have been adressed. we just got a tool worth mentioning (the DC) that in some time from now we will find their limitations (and probably bugs) and will be another thing we will want to be fixed or updated...
So yes, i feel forgotten by the sketchup team...
And now when we think that we'll probably have to wait another 2 years for the new version that it's not even sure that this problems will be coreected this time it starts to get scary...
And now a litle story: Some years ago there was a rumor that autodesk was going to buy @last sketchup. Everyone, back then revolted against it and after a while everyone was pleased to know google bought sketchup and save it from autodesk. Now i don't know if this was for the best of this software.
Google owning sketchup means if they can just implement one new feature and have to choose between new modeling tools or better google earth integration guess what's gonna be choose...
If Autodesk had been able to bought sketchup at least nowdays we would have better integration with all the major 3d Softwares and decent import/export of 3d models (i'm sorry but just beeing able to import absolete 3d formats and lose data in the process like textures and polygons it's something unaceptable for me but maybe i'm just to demanding for finished 3d products...)
Other things that let me thinking something it's wrong in this realeased it's things like user suport (does no one from the skechup team have time to talk to us and explain and discuss this new version with us?and i talked bad from autodesk suport), how was the software realeased (this is the best way to realeased the software?) other softwares that done incredible evolutions and updates and in lesser time that sketchup (photoshop CS4, Modo 302, Silo 2, Zbrush 3...) and using the same engine since version 5 and knowing a hardware|software revolution as passed (64 bits OS and multi core processor)
P.S.:And i hate Autodesk...
How? explain me or show me how because from what i see there's nothing really new but i could be missing something.
Parametric modeling it's something sketchup didn't need specially if would be the core feature of a new version...What does the DC help me if i'm modeling something unique without components?or a car?or a industrial production object?or a organic shape? and can i animate objects and export that animation with shadows? or that just work for cubes again (or other basic form?)
In my opinion the DC will have the same impact that sandbox tools had, it's fun at the beggining but when you realized it's limits you will use it as much as sand box tools (not much and when used have to correct them to work good...).
And again for the ones defending the new super released: did i said any lie in my previous post? And better yet: if you could choose between this "new" version 7 and a version 6 that suported multicore and heavier models what would you choose?i have to be honest, i don't know what you guys model with sketchup but i could survive with this software without this "new" features, but can't say the same thing about not using the full power of today's technology...
This must be a joke...
For the ones saying this was a good release:
New modeling tools: NO
new animation tools: NO
new uv maping tools: NO
new engine that suport more heavy scenes: NO
new engine that do better images and shadows: NO
new (even very basic) ways to simulate diferent light sources from the sun: NO
Now even photoshop with the CS4 version can handle better 3D models and do better renders that sketchup (for the ones not seeing how serious this is i remember we're talking about a 2D image software...)
But hey at least we have something that could be done with a ruby script called dynamic components...oh and we can link textures to a 2D software because in version 6 we just didn´t already did that in one way or another...and layout now doesn't has beta in the name, still it won't do much (with heavier stuff specially) but hey at least now after 2 years it's not beta...
They just didn't listen to the users because they think they know better what we need...they could be a litle bit more humble...
Don't update and make them see this is wrong or we're never gonna be heard...
Hi Rogue
I really think that you're renders have potencial (especially the first ones). You should try to get away from the realist renders and start to mix with the sketchup export of lines and then put everything together in photoshop (or GIMP or Net. paint that are free) using multiply or overlay. The results would be a more artistic renders (wich honestly i prefer and can reveal the sensebility of a person to plastic issues). After getting used to this method start playing with styles of lines of sketchup and in a more advance stage with the filters for colour treatment in photoshop.
Try this little experiment and you won't regret it
keep them coming.