Economic crisis provides us with multiple opportunities to SERVE, to HELP others. We do not know how long and how deep this crisis will be, but we know that there will be people in necessities around us ..., and we have the opportunity to ASSIST them.
Maybe there are worried people beside us ... It is good to urge them to choose God as Father, Who takes care of His own. Maybe people around us are disappointed, confused and shaken... We have the opportunity to approach them and talk to them about Jesus Christ, the One that does not disappoint on any man, the One who enriches the lives of all those who trust in Him.
Many need assistance..., and they are more open to the Gospel when need help!
A large-scale crisis of the society, offers unexpected opportunities for MINISTRY. Are we ready?!
Atheists, do not be hypocrites! When we deal with acute crisis, famine, pestilences, disasters, wars, and so on, all of you believe in God, donât you?!