‘Alan F.’ I said you're “wrong”, because you present as good an wrong article! Is it clear?!
There are a lot of speculations...!
(I'm not saying now details, because our theme is WWIII...)
‘Alan F.’ I said you're “wrong”, because you present as good an wrong article! Is it clear?!
There are a lot of speculations...!
(I'm not saying now details, because our theme is WWIII...)
A bonus...
Those who will remain in the “Tribulation time”, approximately in the middle period of those seven years, pay attention to a huge trick of Antichrist!
This personage, before declaring himself as a true god, and requiring full obedience from all, he arranges /simulates a fake Armageddon, but in this armed conflict will not be involved all nations of the world (only some broad coalition)...!
‘Alan F.’ wrote: “[A damning christian view of the Rapture.]”,
with link to: http://tia4christ.blogspot.com/2011/03/exposing-rapture-lie-part-1.html
where is this subtitle:
“Did you know that the rapture is a lie and that it's nowhere in the Bible?”…
You are WRONG, ‘Alan F’, because in the Bible, there are direct references to “Rapture”.
See for example 1 Thessalonians 4:17, Revelation 3:10, etc.
'Marian' wrote:
“[I guess all atheists are scientific atheists. I don't think there is the need for a distinction. I doubt many atheists will say, that they feel there is no god or say that because of their close personal relation with the univers they know that god doesn't exist.]”
‘Marian’, you have too many GAPS ...!
The ‘cruel’ TRUTH is this:
Most famous scientists WERE true Christians!!!
‘Solo’ wrote: “[Firstly there are thousands of denominations and then you get the non denominational s, everyone thinks the other is wrong, yet all take their beliefs from the same source, so it comes down to the interpretation of that book.]”
Solo, you present the situation ... erroneously.
It's not about differences in interpreting the Bible, it's no different dogmas...,
but the ways of ORGANIZING things and having PREFERENCES of secondary things.
Normal is that there are no two churches alike, to have no a wrong ‘spirit of the flock’, fanatical and stupid...!
‘Solo’ wrote: “[So your gods are easily offended?]”
No, ‘Solo’, my God is not “easily offended”:
“The LORD is gracious and merciful;
Slow to anger and great in lovingkindness.” (Psalm 145:8)
“Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap.” (Galatians 6:7)
‘Starling75’ wrote: “[You are so sure about your place in heaven ... what sin is that? pride?]”
No, is not a “pride”..., its an INSURANCE!
Apostle Peter said: “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His GREAT MERCY has caused us to be born again to a LIVING HOPE through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to obtain an inheritance which is imperishable and undefiled and will not fade away, reserved in heaven for you, who are protected by the power of God through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.” (1 Peter 1:3-5)
At the “Rapture” (imminent event), I will leave the Earth, I will go to Heaven, so I will not post anything on this Forum.
You, unbelievers, will recall from my words, but it will be too late ...!. Some of you will turn after that to God, but will be martyred..., and others will be forced to applaud and embrace the Antichrist, who will deceive you with the slogan "PEACE and prosperity ". His promises will not materialize, and massive disasters (“Tribulation” period) will come over all the Earth.
All nations will participate in the WWIII, especially in the final “Battle of Armageddon”. This will be the last war of human society...
Jesus Christ will intervene directly in this comnflict and will crush “all the kings of the earth”, plus the Antichrist, and will establish the “Kingdom of 1,000 years” of “peace and justice”. The Lord will reign over the whole Earth!
(In the Bible you can find all details...!)
Marian wrote: "[No it's not, in the same measure non-Romanians are not a separate ethnic group.]"
How about so-called 'romanian gypsy', aren't they a "separate ethnic group"?!
'Wo3Dan' wrote:
"[I'm more inclined towards what (for instance) Solo and Rich said earlier, (maybe in the other/parallel thread): Don't do to others what you wouldn't like others to do to you. Live and let live.]"
OK but this 'philosophy' is taken from the Bible... See Luke6:31:
"Treat others the same way you want them to treat you."
EscapeArtist, be to the subject!
Can a man be with self-control, apart from the peace, longsuffering, gentleness..., and so on?!
Can a man be ‘expert’ in self-control only?!
‘Alan', if re. Quirinius you have no sufficient historical data, do not despair!
You said there are many contradictions in the Bible, so, come with a new well founded one!
Eventually ‘Marian’ can help you ...
@escapeartist said:
Digging up old bones to further advertise your philosophy?
It is not my "philosophy", Mr. EscapeArtist...
For example read this book in which are exposed some plausible scenarios for the near future:
“ARMAGEDDON, OIL AND TERROR – What the Bible says about the future of America, the Midle East, and theend of Western Civilization”
@unknownuser said:
I think the Rapture did happen. . .didn't you catch the final episode of OPRAH???
"The Rapture" is an imminent event that can happen even today. Are we ready to meet Jesus Christ, or we will remain ('left behind'...) on Terra, for Tribulation period?!
WWIII (Battle of Armageddon) will be in maximum 7 years after the Rapture...
@solo said:
Cornel, no point debating this issue, not all kids believe in Santa Claus, some are clever enough to realize how silly and impossible it is...same goes for religion.
The same goes for a FALSE religion, but not for a TRUE FAITH, in a TRUE GOD!
Self-control is not something by itself, separately; it is like an offs/link in the spirit chain:
“The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, SELF-CONTROL. Against such there is no law. And those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.” (Galatians 5:22-24)
@ Starling75. God meets our needs , not our whims…!
Jesus said:
“The will of Him, who sent Me, is that everyone who sees the Son and believes in Him may have everlasting life; and I will raise him up at the last day.”
“Verily, verily, I say to you, he who believes in Me has EVERLASTING LIFE.” (John 6:40,47)
@alan fraser said:
Cut it out, Cornel. Save the proselytising for somewhere else. Can't you do something as simple as wish someone a Happy New Year without tediously preaching to them? A new year has nothing whatsoever to do with religion.
‘Alan F’., I did NO proselytism, because I did not claim a particular religion, I’m not member of any religious group, and I never asked anyone to follow me.
All the best for ALL !
@starling75 said:
Thinking about the existence/nonexistence of God is full of paradoxes one can't solve using our limited minds and linear language...
On the other hand.. it is fun
No, it is NOT "fun" - IT IS VITAL!
Finally it is eternal life, with God, or hell, apart from God ...