RE: Help making a face
These are of great help. thank you all so much!
I have attached the final file of what I am trying to do.
Since SU doesn't do curves, I wanted to use a lot of point in illustrator, but the end result is strange.
Is there a way to smooth it out now so that those lines show up more like curves or at least without the little lines being visible inbetween the big curves? you will see what I mean.
RE: [Plugin] Edge Tools
does this work for mac? I get an error:
Error Loading File /Users/****/Library/Application Support/SketchUp 2013/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_EdgeTools/core.rb
no such file to load -- TT_Lib2/core.rb
Error Loading File tt_edgetools.rb
no such file to load -- TT_Lib2/core.rb -
Help making a face
Hi, I am sorry, I have the free version of Sketchup for mac. I finally figured out how to install a ruby thing so that I could import the DXF file from Illustrator into Sketchup!
That was amazing. I copied some code from another post here using text edit into the .rb file!
Thank you God!!
But not I have this file that wont make a face.
On the pro version, I could just use the "make face" plug-in, but it wont work with this imported file... its so cut up.
Any ideas?
If anyone can modify this for me or tell me what to do, that would be great!!