Very nice Jason! You should lighten up the line work a little bit. It is a bit over powering and distracting at the moment... would you mind showing the render without the lines?
RE: Concert Venue (Maxwell)
RE: Kerkythea Echo
Ahh... well I use windows so I won't really be able to help. I'm sure someone on here uses Kerky for Mac. You might try to go to the Kerkythea forums, they're just as helpful if not more for your Kerky problems!
RE: Kerkythea Echo
After it is done exporting it should ask you if you would like to open the model Kerky... you did download the Kerkythea exporter plugin for Sketchup, right?
RE: Kerkythea Echo
I've done a couple of night shots in Kerky... what exactly do you want to know?
RE: Day to night...
Thanks Boo! I am trying to figure out how they did the time with the mouse now...
RE: Day to night...
Thanks Gaieus... this is an awesome program! Wish I would of known about sooner!
Here is my first attempt...
RE: Modern British Main Battle Tank model
Superb! I'm definitely gonna download it....
P.S. - You might want to shrink the first picture cause it runs off the page and I'm on a 24 inch monitor!
RE: Day to night...
Yea... but how? What kind of software does this? I don't even where to begin looking...
Day to night...
Anyone have any idea how this was done? If so, is it possible to do this for my renderings?
RE: Takedown
I only wish we could see the dudes face as the dog is jumping over the car...
SNL Music Video
SNL - Jizz In My Pants
"...looked me dead in the face and asked cash or credit and I jizzed in my pants..." hahahaha
How do you embed the video?
RE: Funny but sad....
Nitskie, she did not graduate. She had a kid when she was like 15 or 16 and had to drop out. She supposedly got her high school diploma at some middle college.
RE: Funny but sad....
I don't know if you folks know who Fantasia Barrino is, but she is the American Idol winner from a couple of years back. She went to the same high school I did. In an interview she did, she blamed the school system for her not being able to read. Now I may not be the most literate person in the world but that's where I draw the line. I sure as hell can read and so can sooo many other people that I went to school with. I just don't see how you can blame the schools when I went to the same ones with the same teachers! Pisses me off! Sorry to rant... but when I saw this video it reminded me of her.
RE: WIP - Downtown Building
Thanks, it was mentioned to me earlier but I forgot to change it. This project isn't going to go away anytime soon so I am going to fix it in future renderings.
RE: 2008 NFL Plays of the Year!
Bellwells, the ref on the sideline never blew the whistle so the touchdown counted. After replays, they didn't have conclusive evidence that he stepped out of bounds. I may have a biased opinion but it doesn't look like his heel touched the sideline, just look at the grass from his cleats.
Pete, the Cowboys should be ashamed of themselves. They have the most talent on the field, yet they couldn't win games when they counted. I think it is obvious that T.O. rips every team apart that he has been on. Yes, he has a lot of talent but they would be better off without him. Romo is an awesome quarterback with a lot of heart, it just sucks that the rest of his team didn't care.
RE: Gmail users: Most spam?
Yes! When I created a AOL instant messaging account it created a email account for me. The other day it said that I have an email... when I went to check it I had over 2200 emails in the junk folder. The funny thing is, it will only let you delete like 20 or 30 at a time. Thank god that isn't my normal email account. I forgot to uncheck the box where it says 'Would you like a spam email account?'.
2008 NFL Plays of the Year!
I figured I would make a thread for us football fans to talk about their favorite plays of the year.
This is my favorite play! Steve Smith... all that needs to be said!
And here are the 2008 Plays of the Year!
RE: Catch illegal immigrants...
Yes... they caught someone!