Catch illegal immigrants from your computer! Don't know if anyone has seen this before... kinda crazy if you ask me...
Catch illegal immigrants...
RE: WIP - Downtown Building
Here is a night rendering I did for the client... I did it in Kerkythea! I was hoping to get some suggestions on how I can make it better... especially the lighting! I think it could look better...
RE: Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays
Merry Christmas to you Cheffey... hopefully you'll be spending your time somewhere better than Sera! Not unless you enjoy killing locusts with chainsaws on Christmas...
RE: Stuff Topic (Once "My Projects and W.I.P.s")
Frederik, I was always wondering where you got that picture of a baby smokin... thanks to Kevin, we now know the answer! 22 years old looks young these days, huh?
RE: Rogue Renders!
Stop spamming other peoples topics! Rogue, these are nice renders but I think if you overlay the Sketchup line work it will help break up all that paint... just make sure the lines are subtle, just my opinion!
RE: Stuff Topic (Once "My Projects and W.I.P.s")
It basically means that you're stealing other peoples work Kevin, change one or two lines and then call it your own. This thread should be called "My stolen models, please rate... wtf?" >_<
RE: Stuff Topic (Once "My Projects and W.I.P.s")
That's a nice ship Guzman, would you like to share the model with everyone?
Kevin, you car crashed due to a what?
RE: Stuff Topic (Once "My Projects and W.I.P.s")
Or did you skip school to keep up with what's going on here? >_<
RE: Stuff Topic (Once "My Projects and W.I.P.s")
Pete shouldn't even waste his time! This kid only wants handouts, it would be too hard for him to look on his own...
RE: Stuff Topic (Once "My Projects and W.I.P.s")
Why would they stop this thread when it's one of the most popular ones on the board? That doesn't make sense, instead they should send out an email to every board member to come check out whats happening in the Corner Bar!
RE: Stuff Topic (Once "My Projects and W.I.P.s")
Why? It will end up being the exact same thing...
RE: Warehouse WIP
Love 'em but your pavement texture is tiling pretty bad but on the closeups it looks great!
RE: Stuff Topic (Once "My Projects and W.I.P.s")
He made sure he threw in 'yes that is true' though...
RE: Stuff Topic (Once "My Projects and W.I.P.s")
They are 'classic' quotes by the man himself... Kevin Smith!
RE: Stuff Topic (Once "My Projects and W.I.P.s")
"i minus well" wtf? I have the feeling that you're going to be a great lawyer! Keep up the good work...
RE: Stuff Topic (Once "My Projects and W.I.P.s")
Naaa little man... I signed your guestbook!
RE: SU models of George Hart's geometric sculptures
I took a shot at rendering the pencils in Kerky... I think it turned out ok.