Using the 'Face-Me People' they appear to be 'Hovering' above the pavement level - Yet they are bolted firmly to it! The shadows do not appear to be behaving in the same way as the Building Shadows - Any suggestions?
RE: How many SU guys were into lego?
I am still very much into Lego! We use it in the Studio sometimes for 'Massing Studies' and how to deal with 'Messy' 3D Construction Details. I was also into Meccano (With Metal Components and Nuts & Bolts), when younger - But graduated to 'Handy-Angle' and 'Kee-Klamp!' - Which can be regarded as the Adult Version of Meccano! We also use Cocktail Sticks, Barbecue Skewers and Lollipop Sticks for Structural Models.
RE: SketchUp 2018 - first impressions
A quotation from an old Boss comes to mind. "How much do Microsoft and AutoDESK pay ME to Test-Drive their Software?" Trimble appear to be following the same route!
RE: SketchUp 2019 Wish list
Turn back the clock and start again?
RE: Text bug or graphics engine driver
I know that this is from earlier in the year, but I had the exact same problem and it is definitely a 'Driver Issue!' The machine had been inherited from someone else who had 'Played' with the Display Settings. It was very annoying, and almost impossible to detect the cause of the problem. Many suggested an 'Incompatible Video Card' and Insufficient Memory, etc. However, the problem was quite fundamental, and easily fixed.
In my case the Drivers were up-to-date however, the machine had been configured to use a 16 Bit Colour Configuration on a Windows 7 Ultimate 32 Bit Machine! - This will give rise to 'Screen Bugs' such as the 'Grey Box' on Label Text. It will also create Large Blocks of 'Emptyness' when exporting an image from SketchUP to JPEG.
To correct the problem, carry out the following. Download the Latest Drivers for your Video Card. This can appear quite daunting, as in my case the Download was 380 MB and the Install Process quite ponderous! However, it is worthwhile doing, as many 'Bugs' and Technical Issues have been overcome.
Once the Drivers have been updated go to Control Panel> Video Card Configuration> Manage 3D Programme Settings> Programme Settings> ADD> If SketchUP is not on the list of Programmes, then it needs to be added - Go to ADD and you will select SketchUP.EXE by following the Path in Programme Files.
ALTERNATIVELY Some Video Cards will have their own Separate Programme accessed from Desktop> Windows Button> All Programmes
Next 'Quit' from the Video Card Configuration and go to Control Panel> Display> Screen Resolution> Monitor> Colours Be sure to select a 32 Bit Configuration! Apply the settings and 'Quit' from the Control Panel.
Reboot your Machine. When you open SketchUP on the Default Drawing, go to Window> Preferences> Open GL> and Tick the Hardware Acceleration and Fast Response Boxes. Now try applying Label Text to the SketchUP Drawing Character (Bryce or Lizanne) - The 'Grey Box' should be gone!
Video Card Configuration> This will be the name of the Video Card Manufacturer (In my case NVIDIA) -
Has anyone noticed the 'Severe Drop in Quality' of the 3D Warehouse Large Thumbnail 'Preview' Images. This appears to have happened during the last week or so. I uploaded a model earlier today, and the Lineweight appears to have increased, despite Line Profiles being set a 1 and Depth Cues OFF in my model. (See Image Below). The same applies to another loaded earlier in the week.
TODAY'S MODEL MODEL (21 OCTOBER 2017), a Model uploaded on (14 October 2017), together with all of my previous models appear to fine (Line Profile=1 Depth Cue=OFF) There are no 'Heavy Lineweights' or 'Muddy Colours!'
EARLIER MODEL (14 OCTOBER 2017) last Model (14 October 2017) is a much larger building, yet appears to be drawn with more finesse. I realise that Building Size, has nothing to do with Image Size, yet the earlier Previews appear to be far more 'Crisp!' I raised a query on the SketchUP/Trimble Website which has not yet been answered.
I am using SketchUP 2016 on Windows 7Does anyone have any ideas?
Friday 27 October 2017It seems that I am not the only one to comment about this. I picked-up a Thread on the SketchUP Forum (3D Warehouse). It would appear that in trying to solve one problem, 3D Warehouse have created another! - No response as yet though.
Saturday 28 October 2017
Still no response on the SketchUP ForumUPDATE
Monday 30 October 2017
Still no response on the SketchUP ForumUPDATE
Tuesday 31 October 2017
Chastisement for posting the same comment on two topics! - No comment or solution to the problemUPDATE
Tuesday 07 November 2017
I uploaded a Model earlier at 06:00 GMT and the Preview Thumbnails appear to be 'Back to Normal! -
Now you see it! - Now you Don't!
I am using SketchUP Make 2016 (Build 16.1.1450 32 Bit) on Windows 7. Once a Background has been loaded in the Style Settings, it is 'Lost Forever' after only a few Pan, Zoom and Orbit Manouevres! The Watermark Settings reports no Watermark at all! Updating the Scene and Saving, before it disappears have no effect either. However, the Background Reloads when the file is reopened and SketchUP has been rebooted. I have tried various JPG Files for Watermarks (Background and Foreground) But the same problem occurs - Any thoughts?