forgot to tell we had once the same dogy VERY MUCH SAME
RE: BAD SU MAGIC hit me AARGGGgggg PLS HELP me pls :-( ugghhh
RE: BAD SU MAGIC hit me AARGGGgggg PLS HELP me pls :-( ugghhh
no unfortunatly not all otehr faces in models are there
also in circle and poligone it works ONLY IN RECTANGLE it has no faces anymore. -
BAD SU MAGIC hit me AARGGGgggg PLS HELP me pls :-( ugghhh
hello to all helpfull and ALL time white magic SU ferries
i had bad macig on my SU the wizzard of NOrectanglefaces hit me and all my rectangles i am drawing
has no faces anymore ? and cant get it back no matter what i do even redrawing with a line nothing helpsi am saing the wizzard of NOrectangelfaces as all others do still have the surfaced like circle and poligone still works well.
wich herbs ore magic i need to blow in the face of ugly bad magic to defeat it ?
thanks bernhard
RE: Another mindbreaking breaking folow me task
WHOU works great,
now another SU trouble maker is gone
with the help of the forum i blow them out all time by time -
RE: Another mindbreaking breaking folow me task
thanks a lot for your expresions loud and clear.
i understood and also managed some exept ONE THING tell me please how you managed this nice centerpoint in your there such thing like adding centerpoint ?
thanks a lot bernhard
Another mindbreaking breaking folow me task
hello to all,
i am asuming i using the wrong aproach as the following tool is maybe not the right tool to do this.
long time ago i had the feeling already it needed somthing to "BEND" things around others.
now i have this saw like profile wich i need to be "BEND" around a circle ore elips surface
ore other shaped linesbut i ma not getting it
maybe someone of you guys can give me a idea ?
the problem is that the saw like struckture must folow the thing...
RE: Hardware trouble with SU only ??
hey TaffGoch,
thanks a lot for your fantastic 100% help.
after installing new drifer all worked and i experienced a power exploasion in working with SU
all is so smoot orbiting now even the biggest and complexest models).
thanks again if i can be of any help for you please select from here...
i could help with things like ....
http://www.voicepoint.dewhatever you need
best regards bernhard
Hardware trouble with SU only ??
hello guys
i have "i supose hardware trouble"
being most happy about my new system wich i specialy bought for big and much detailes SU models i face trouble with SU ONLYall time i start a second instance of sketchup to see another file for example ore to copy a part out of it (i know i schould have and can make a component ore model)
my system crashes ore better to say system is 2 quad cpu 2,83Ghz grafik card is nvidia quadro fx 1700
only with this system i have the trouble none trouble like this on my old slow PC
waht can i doooo
pls help
Were is the best place to make coding suggestions
hello to all
ore maybe a sugestion is not needed as this is possible already.
- INVERT ALL "SEEN" NEGATVE FACES (in this cam ore view position)
- INVERT ALL "SEEN" POSITIVE FACES (in this cam ore view position)
if not this then maybe easier and maybe more flexible a
i would love to have this coming ture maybe it exists already only i dont know how to achive this.
i bet this is a very easy to do ruby script(beware all time i think software would make me happy i think it is easy)
as i always dream "TO BE HAPPY" is easy)
would love to have this in my right mouse button
best regards to all bernhard
RE: Make the lathe tool follow bend in two direction ?
hey guys you helped me very much to solve the problem
even more you just solved it. T H A N K Si want to express my real thanks a lot to you
how can i ever pay this back ? any idea??
best regards bernhard.... = bhnida
Make the lathe tool follow bend in two direction ?
hello to all it breaks my head and my reputation.
it seems i breaking my both hands on thisaua...
please if one could look in the file and tell me how to solve ?
i have a littel gate in a curved wall and dont know hwo to make the gate follow the curved wall in the same swing.
hello to all again,
is there someone our there running wires and tubes inside a sketchup model of a house ore machine?
i could not found any tutorial and such for running wires.
maybe it would need to define a style to a line to make it look like a wire ore a tube ore maybe a air condition conduct?thanks for answering
RE: Acuracy trouble
this dose not explain why it is like this but i know how to behave not having this trouble anymore.lets blame it on the endles nirvana of programming reasons
thanks for your help
cu all.
PS:off topic message
looking for programmers experienced in linux audio projects ALSA and JACK brute fir and so on
real money to be made with us... good and fair payment -
Acuracy trouble
hi folks,
i found trouble on using the value box in right lower corner.
if i input for rectangle's values like 100,200 i do not get the proper rectangle if i put measurement to with tape ore it i get a rectangle of like 100 to 200,2
were is the ,2 coming from ?watch out: if i put 100;200 everithing seems to be correct.
why makes the , and ; a difference ?
thanks for answer Bhnida
Language change in sketchup
hello to all SUcation team
i made the mistake to install SU in german language no big deal its my native language but i would prefer to use it in english.
how can i change ?
do i need to รนninstall and install again the english version ?a language change option would be nice.
thanks for answering
RE: Uninstalling trouble
downloading and installing again did solved the trouble.
also i have now all the components and colours and all stuff back i suffffffered from not having
only hting i was confused as it downloaded the PRO version wich asked then to buy license wich i refused jet.
i hope this is OK with google me doing no harm to there all
being happy with working version again
Uninstalling trouble
uninstalling trouble,
i wanted to get SU-PRO6 and a friend of mine told me i have to uninstall first the old SU6 version.
BUT i found two installations on my xp HDD. at least my software manager indicated this.
so i tried to uninstall one of them.since them i am in deep trouble.
- it dose not uninstall and it dose note install new anymore
it says :
Setup.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.AND even WORST i can not use it anymore.
PLS HELP HEEEEeeeeLP.... i am lost in deep space of troubbbbelll troublllleee treeeouuuuubeleelleeeee
thanks for help
RE: Paint bucket trouble
remus thanks a lot for your target pointing help.
i did like oyu sugested and i was "of cource in monocrom"
changing solved my problem imidiatly.
interesting to know as soon i changed to the right mode "shaded with textures" it worked
REMUS thanks a lot for your help
i hope honestly to be be soon a help to the comunity as the SU comunity is to me
Paint bucket trouble
hi to all SU freaks
here is a bunny question, me being too stupid to use the paint bucket.-
i have no colors in it no materials no metal surfaces like stainless steel ore bricks
how do i get them ore charge ore install them. -
i found out how i can arrange own colors mixes but i fail to apply them to surfaces.
what can i do wrong on applying them. (i know to much can be wrong to tell here LOL)
i select the bucket and then want to point with it on the surface i want to color.
but it acts like nothing happened. like it is not reacting to my klicks
thanks a lot to all improofing with there answers my SU skills.
the last info was just great.
RE: Downloaded galleries and models
thanks a lot this exactly was what i needed to know.
sometimes things so close and thus so farthanks for you helping help.