Never set in sketchup shurtcuts that have going to conflit with standart shurtcuts, because it make lost configuration when you reimport preferences.dat in another computer who have standart configaration. Betwen new and old (standart) configuration table shurtcuts, sketchup always chose standart configuration.

RE: Does anyone know of a Ruby that saves your shortcuts
[REQ] Materials Rename
"I'm organizing my library components from SketchUp, and because I use V-Ray to render my images, I put useful components names of the materials under the name of the component, to edit in V-Ray."
So, I wonder if it would be possible to create a script that renames the materials of these components according to some criteria. For example, suppose that I am editing a component called "table 045.skp" and it has the following materials: mapple wood, metal, white paint, etc.. After we run the script, the material would have the following names, such as:
wood mapple >> "wood table 045 01",
Metal >> "wood table 045 02",
white paint >> "table wood 045 03"The reason for this is that it's confusing to locate in the scene the names of the materials of the componentes for editing in Vray.
Here I'm giving some examples:
Please notice the axes location, the scale, the material names, the layer names, the group names.Thanks!!!
RE: [Plugin] Import OBJ with Materials v2.1 20131118
@chris fullmer said:
I'm confused Bagatelo. What are you asking? This is a plugin that will import .obj into SU. The inverse would be an .obj exporter.
Yes, I mistake. I have think about EXPORT model with obj file types. But .3ds is very good.
I try to import this model ( ) into sketchup and the plugin don't work properly. Export with 3ds Files from MAX result crash in Sketchup.
FBX files maybe can be de very best option.
RE: [Plugin][$] RoundCorner - v3.4a - 31 Mar 24
I have using SU 7 on Windows Vista x64 SP1 and I have always bug splat.
I have instaled Windows XP SP3 x86 on another HD and until now I don't have Bug Splat.Maybe the problem is with Windows Vista.
RE: [Plugin][$] RoundCorner - v3.4a - 31 Mar 24
With which words I could thank for your work, Fredo6? Simply fantastic.
And with me again, in SU 7 bug splat, SU 6, works fine.
Thanks again.
RE: How to make a leather material in vray for sketchup
Andeciuala >>> you need to see this:
Solo >>> maybe pathetic is your comment. You have make great works, I have watching your jobs. But, don't need to say that way of Andeuciaula work is pathetic - is very strange, I recognize.
[REQ] Convert Tutorial to Script
Is possible to convert this tutorial to script? -
RE: REQ: Palette docking
But the Idea about Tabs is very interesting, for plugins too.
RE: [Plugin][$] FredoScale - v3.6a - 01 Apr 24
I liked that plugin a lot, this is saving a lot of my time. But...
I don't know if I will get to explain the problem of behavior of the plugin that doesn't please me, but I will try.
My displeasure is regarding the Icon "Stretching with Box by matching an origin and the target." After it is chosen the plan where Stretch should happen, I cannot use a relationship of distance among distant objects as it could use the command MOVES common of Sketchup. I need to draw a line or object to the close origin point and the close target point to make Stretch. It would be interesting if it went as in the command it MOVES of the sketchup, where I can use points of it distances wanted distant of the object that desire to make Stretch. -
RE: [REQ] Macro / Action Recorder
Maybe you should dream a little about the possibilities. We could record a macro of our action as resizing an object, or starting from one plane, the program to accomplish a series of operations as offset, extrude, delete faces etc, generating a window with same particularities, but with appropriate dimensions for any dimension.
[REQ] Macro / Action Recorder
A thing that I like in Modo, in Photoshop, in Illustrator, in Microsoft Word, in Microsoft Excell, VUE xStream, is the possibility to record and to execute macros or actions. Would something like that be possible in Sketchup?
RE: ( req) automatic zoom
3dsmax have tool called "zoom selection", is fantastic. Sketchup have script to emulate this, I use key Z to activate. If no selection is active, Sketchup show me zoom extents...
RE: [Plugin] Scale and Rotate Multiple (UPDATED Dec 22, 09)
Ei Chris, thank you for the manuscript, I liked a lot.
But... maybe you can improve the manuscript for increasing a function of rotate objects randomly.
This can be very good tool to work with 3D plants or similar.Thanks anyway.
[REQ] Plugin to rotate textures 90°
I think could be very useful a plugin that rotate textures in 90°, especially to work with wood.
RE: 'Scene manager' plugin
Maybe you speak about Scene Manager in 3dsMax? If it is possible in Sketchup, this can be wonderfull tool.
RE: Copy along road?
Try Spacing Tools in 3dsMax (Shift I), look my recent work:
I export model to 3dsMax, make the Work, and reimport to Sketchup. Render by Vray4Sketchup.
The work that I made in 3dsMax was the guard body, deck wooden, them pillars of sustentation of dock, and the poles of illumination, by spacing tools. -
RE: Must Have Ruby Plugins - Visual Index (Discussion)
I think windowizer is fantastic free tool to include in the post catalog: -
[REQ] Plugin to scale collection of components
I have a big collection of components and objects for sketchup. When inserting in a scene, there is a behavior that sometimes irritates is that the components are out of the axis 0,0,0, then to the insert, they end up being very far away from the center of the current vision. A form of correcting that would be to open the components one for one and to move them for the center. But that would be very annoying to do that in more than 2000 components. Maybe it was possible to create a script to open all components of a folder and move them for the point zero.
Another possibility would be to scale them for a reasonable value, because some of them come very big or very small. Then say are to assign a paste with cars, then we would say to the script that left them in a certain dimension, and it assigned all with that pattern.
Another possibility would be to do that whenever it imported some component, instead of to open and to save files in a folder.
RE: [REQ] Plugin to make Doors and drawers
Your plugin is very interesting, and I will help myself a lot. Thank you very much. In any way thinks about the things above.
[REQ] Plugin to make Doors and drawers
I would like to suggest a plugin or script that made doors and drawers for closets, sinks, etc. Because I waste a long time tends to do that manually. It is true that the plugin Windowizer helps plenty and it is what arrives more close to the than I want. But me leaning that could be better.
For instance, he could create or to configure handles automatically, where we could change all quickly of the handles. It should be possible to adjust if we wanted the door interns to the closet, making the box to appear frontalmente, or it expresses, covering the box of the closet. It could be possible to configure styles of the frames of the doors, if we wanted doors of aluminum with glass.
Another possibility would be the script to configure closed doors automatically in a layer, and open doors in other, for us to show to our customers the closets with open and closed doors.
That is my collection of handles: