pbacot thank you very much sir for the perfect comments
thank you all for your collaboration and great comments
I agree with all of you, the model has lots of problems, specially the trees which later I found they are not grouped,
after the presentation I need to remodel the building again
I will keep in mind all comments thank you

let me see
in the real world there are many times we need to show over work to clients and they might change their mind
I draw my plan in autocad
then I exported to sketch up
primarily I didn't try to put different parts in various layers because I wanted to com out with a good design first
I used sketch up in this stage as a tool for gaining some ideas
as it was the first time to draw the sloped roof and little by little I found which parts of roofs need overhang
as pbacot said I draw many lines. because for example when I draw the roof , and then wanted to extrude it for 300 MM or 400 MM as overhang it was impossible because sketch up extrude it in horizontaly not in the line with the slope of my roofs
later I came to the conclusion that I need to draw the roof plan in autocad and base on that I draw each roof separately
now the main question is
Do you also do the same?
every time you export the cad file to sketch up
and if there is a change in the plan, you draw it again in sketch up?
thank you very much again friends
[color=#8080FF:2k9keqbg]Sir Gai would you kindly send the model you worked on again please.