Hi guys, At work around once a week I'll get this SketchUp Pro [EXPIRED] at the top of the window. What's the reason behind it? I'm working in SU 7 not SU 8? I'm 100% the program is not fake!
SketchUp Pro [EXPIRED]
My current method to make a cloudy sky is to import a .jpg and resize it. This works well but on occasion makes nasty shadows.
Is there a better way to make effective sky in SKP. Thanks
2d spiral
Is there a quick way to draw a 2D spiral (perhaps a plugin) I'm having a memory block!!
Thanks Andy
ISO view
I have been asked by a colleague to produce some angled drawings, she did not quite like the ISO view.
I could play around and set the scene, but I need to be able to repeat it in future drawings?
Any ideas or is there something I'm missing?
RE: What is multithreaded rendering?
No not particularly just this happens reasonably often and I also had some autoCAD problems, which the AC forum thought was RAM/videocard. I'm just guessing really.
The renderer is podium.
RE: What is multithreaded rendering?
Could one of the cores be broken and this lead to it struggling with multithreaded rendering?
I rendered one drawing with it turned off and it took a long time but completed the rendering, I then rendered another image with MT turned on and it kicked me out, shutting down SU.
What is multithreaded rendering?
Does it mean I am using more of the (cores) power of the core2duo chip, so it should be faster?
RE: Major SKP and Podium problem
I had already tried the copy and paste, it has worked on a colleagues PC, and after purging on the PC it appears to be rendering slowly on the mac. I'll let you know the result. Thanks for the heads up about the podium forum. So many forums my heads spinning!! lol!
Major SKP and Podium problem
I'm up s**t creek with no paddles. I have drawn my building and when ever I try to render in podium it starts doing it then kicks me out and says send this to google. I have tried purging but that also kicks me out. I have tried the repairing disc utilities on the Mac (similar to defrag I believe) I have software upgraded! I'm stumped plus this is my job, I need to get work out for my boss and clients. The file is 32mb so uploading to the forum is an issue.
Any ideas?
RE: Free DWG program
Mleeeeeeh!! Once again windows only!! Thanks for your help though!
RE: Free DWG program
Thanks but I'm on a mac and the system requirements say windows
RE: Free DWG program
AutoCAD WS!! Still don't think I can edit line colour.
Free DWG program
Hi guys, I'm having a nightmare at work as they are tight fisted software pirates. I need a DWG viewer that I can change the colour of the lines in. Did AutoCAD recently release something like this?
RE: Garden buildings
Hi yes the buildings are my work, we also do another range with pitched roofs, o even vertically clad cedar. Many of the choices are the customers own.
I'm unsure what to do post processing as I never get to a high level with adobe. I bump map the grass in podium.