I've been reading the thread and find it interesting and somewhat informative.
We use sketchup as a tool in our office not a religion. As a tool, it works incredibly well and the dollar to value gained is extremely high.
I know more and more firms in this area for sure are using sketchup as a regular part of their design process. Some of these firms are the celebrity types in Manhattan that can afford to buy any hammer in the hardware store they choose and have many hammers.
We don't use all the abilities of sketchup. just the ones we need and for that, it works incredibly well.
For $95 I get the upgrade or, if I choose, I can pass and not buy it. The cost is not going to change my life and for those not in my situation, they can elect to freely download or not download the free version.
Ok, it didnt come out with everything everyone hoped for and whether its a point upgrade or a whole number upgrade is a matter of symantics. Photoshop rarely if ever changes its interface which I appreciate. I have the latest version and everything I know how to use and existed in a previous version is still right there. I hate when Microsoft rearranges the toolbars and work flow with each new update so I dont update. Last I checked, I was free to do so.
If Google stops developing sketchup today, I would still have a great tool. I also still use pencil 1.0 and pen 2.0.
Its going to be a sunny day so I'm going outside. Later.