The path is a component and the profile is a component.
FollowMe only works on a path that's 'lines' and a profile that's a face.
You can [as previously explained] simply explode both components back to edges and a face.
The face will now 'extrude' around the path and the result will be in the shared context [here it's the 'model' but it could just as easily have been inside another group etc..]
So for example if you want to make the 'extrusion' inside the path-component...
First edit the face-component, select the face and Edit>Copy it to the clipboard.
Now exit that edit and edit the path-component, use Edit>Paste-in-Place and a copy of the face is now added into that context.
Still within the edit - select the path edges.
Still within the edit - now run FollowMe and click on the face.
The face will now 'extrude' around the path inside the component...
This method leaves the original face component unchanged.
An alternative, if you don't want the face component to remain, is to go back to ###
Select the face-component and Edit>Cut it to the clipboard.
Now edit the path-component, use Edit>Paste-in-Place and a copy of the face-component is now added into that context.
Still within the edit - select the face-component and Explode it back to be just a 'face'.
Still within the edit - select the path edges.
Still within the edit - now run FollowMe and click on the face.
The face will now 'extrude' around the path inside the component...
This time the face-component is no longer there.