@mitcorb said:
Hi, abilio:
I believe you are seeing a cursor setting like "crosshairs" enabled in sketchup--Go to Window>Preferences>Drawing> in the panel, check/ enable crosshairs.
Hey, that's it! Thanks a lot, l thought it was a plugin...
@mitcorb said:
Hi, abilio:
I believe you are seeing a cursor setting like "crosshairs" enabled in sketchup--Go to Window>Preferences>Drawing> in the panel, check/ enable crosshairs.
Hey, that's it! Thanks a lot, l thought it was a plugin...
Hi guys, l'm new here, l was watching this video and l wonder how this guy moves the axes with pencil tool..Is it a plugin or just need activate it?
Thx in advance folks! And sorry my bad English.http://www.valiarchitects.com/tutorials/introducing-instant-site-grader
Brodie,Pbacot and Dale, l want thank you so much,l never realized about weld function, for me it's join the lines, but, just make it easier to select lol, in the original file imported itĀ“s like thousands of dots in a line...how fool l am... and l forgot completely about simplify contours ( hundred plugins...bad memory). l'll follow the tips and lĀ“ll take a look the file. Thank u guys so much for your time, your knowledge and your efforts to help rookies like me.
lĀ“ve tested the tips and SC works perfectly, fast and precise, how dumb l was, but is watch and learn ( in that case remember about the plugin).
You saved my skin.
Hey Dale, thx a lot to give me some advice, l'm already exploded the group, the strange thing is the file gets so big with simple welded lines, which kind of file you recommend to import dwg, dxf or what? Normally l use dwg, and this is my first irregular terrain and it's make me crazy, coz, i need drape all the buildings after that, l have a i7, and its take toooo long to subdivide the meshes (when it's not crashes).
Thx again Dale, and l hope you can give some new help.
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Hi guys, l have a task to do with a terrain, its in 2D and l need transform it to 3D, lĀ“m try using from sandbox from contours, without sucess, so, itĀ“s not a large topography, but the program crashes all the time, and l imported and welded all lines from autoCad...these lines has different heights.
DonĀ“t know what to do!
lĀ“ve serched in topics here, but no solution 4 me
Any tips?
Thx in advance!
Fredo u r hell awesome, thank u so much.