Grazie Massimo!
I'm gonna try right now.
And thanks to everybody.
Grazie Massimo!
I'm gonna try right now.
And thanks to everybody.
@dave r said:
As Massimo said, you're using way more segment than you really need. And, as I told you twice before, if you insist on using all those segments in your circles and curves, you need to work at a much larger scale. Maybe the third time will get through to you. I had no problem with it when I scaled it up to a reasonable size.
[attachment=0:3aabmiar]<!-- ia0 -->pipe.png<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:3aabmiar]
Hey Dave, yes you said me before about the segments, but I need them in order to have, as much as possible, clean PDF files to edit in AI. The 'horn' was 4 meters tall, I thought was a resonable lenght.
Could you, please, achieve something like this one? (it's a model)
Guys, is there anyone who can loft it for me? As soon as I press 'enter' to consolidate, SU crashes...
Thanks guys!!
I'm gonna try right now and let you know!
Thanks Kaas.
I've tried with curveloft (loft along a path) but the resault it's pretty far from what I want...probably my fault.
P.S. As I click enter to consolidate the loft, sketchup crashes!
Hey guys, I was wondering if you could help me out, again.
I need to have this shape:
in 3d version. It's like a big empty tube. I know that it will be involved the Follow Me tool, but how?
You guys are great. Thanks everyone, seriously.
Yea, I know about changing colors in the Style menù, but not every object in the 3D-2D view is all black, sometimes there are some primary colors. So I have to put them on AI...
Cause I'm doing my thesis with a particular graphic approach: almost b&w or less colors possible.
So in order to achieve this, I have to export my "3d views", as a snapshots and then edit them on illustrator (via PDF, which is fully editable) and giving them Black fill and White lines as strokes.
this is an example:
All those segments are motivated
I usually export 2d views of my projects in PDF and then open them in Illustrator.
So the more segments I have the better the quality and precision of editing is.