I'm having trouble getting the servo joint on the inside to work...most likely just a beginners error. Can you please give me some help?
I'm having trouble getting the servo joint on the inside to work...most likely just a beginners error. Can you please give me some help?
Solidworks is the industry standard. Fairly easy to learn too. It does cost money though. If someone could help on the cost of SW that would be good. I've been living off of trial versions from a machinist friend.
Wow! Thanks for the tutorial on how to make them. The concept is very simple. I probably didn't know about this because I don't have power tools, haha
The color of the wood looks real good against the area you're putting it in. Good luck with making the 8 identical curved pieces. I'm a teenage "draftsman in training" so I have no idea what equipment you'd use to make all 8 pieces the same. It looks a bit tough to eye ball a piece like that for each one.
Sure, I'll do it when I get home today. I exported the image's res too high.
I made this model a long time ago with no fillets at all (this was when I was a beginner). However, I decided to add fillets even to the curves. The extraneous lines on here that you see will either be deleted or softened, but while I work on a project, I prefer to see them. The gun itself looks odd, but I modeled this a while back . I will post again when everything is added in.
This is the photo I modeled from:
This argument ends here.
Dzinetech and the KT people, you aren't getting anywhere. Apologies have been made (hopefully). So just leave it at this and let the thread here get back to its purpose.
Frankly, I haven't used any rendering software other than Blender's built-in since I'm 15 years old. I've learned 5 programs in the past year and a half and now I'm gonna give rendering a try (Solidworks, SketchUp, CADKEY etc.)
I'm going to give KT a shot. Can anyone make recommendations or help me out with learning it?
Good detail on that model. Detail is much better than the rushed models I see on here often. Tis fantastic