I've been lurking here a while, but now it's time to raise my head above the parapet!
Been an AutoCAD user for about 25 years and coded various widgets in AutoLISP, Visual Basic (and a bit of C/Arduino), and I'd really like to get started with Ruby.
I've already built a few DCs from the GUI, quite happy with building parametric components and even building simple models from Ruby, but here's the problem...
Is there any way to get dimensions (lenx/y/z) values without setting attributes?
If I make a box, and convert it into a component called 'Box', about the only thing I can get from Ruby is it's name. Lenx for example, returns zero until I go to the GUI and add the attribute manually. Is there any way to set attributes to their default so they can be read by Ruby?
If I use an attribute explorer, I can see real dimensions in _last_lenx/y/z so theymust be readable somehow?
Many thanks in advance!