Mac OS X Leopard & SketchUp!
Hi Guys,
I expect to have Leopard up and running
over the next few days.I'm looking forward to all the new features but I'm not sure if
GSU6 works with it. I think I remember reading something about
SketchUp not being compatible with it yet but can't find the info.Does anyone know about this?
PS: If there are any 'fence siting' potential 'switchers' out there,
just watch the Leopard features video and !!!! -
"Mac OS X
10.4.1 or higher. Mac OS X
10.5, also known as Leopard, isn't supported at this time."
So.... when? 8O
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Hi All,
Here is the latest information on Leopard
Now that we have the official release we'll continue to do more testing. I don't have a time table of when Leopard will be an officially supported OS. If you are running Leopard and SketchUp consider yourself to be on the bleeding edge.
If you find any problems please post the problem and/or send me a private message and send me an email at
Thank you.
Thank you Brad for your answer but impossible to find the translation of:" to be on the bleeding edge"
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Not heard the term bleeding edge before until now - You learn something new everyday.
@unknownuser said:
Not heard the term bleeding edge before until now - You learn something new everyday.
Don't know "bleeding edge"? Where the "bloody hell" have you been? :egrin:
Urban Dictionary: bloody hell
Ron, from Harry Potter, usually says it. It's basically his favorite phrase. You can use this when you are either surprised or shocked at something.
Urban Dictionary (
I'm French and know SU better than English language
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It works mostly on my MacBook with Leopard.
Good news - the selection rectangles appear with the newer OpenGL version/drivers/ Bad news - it makes SU sit there for a long while spinning the beachball before finally returning control to you. Usually the resulting selection is what I'd expect but not every time. I see no difference whether using 'Fast Feedback' or not.Also had long periods of beachball after rotating a fairly simple component (a cupboard door) - not a problem in the actual rotation which was perfectly smooth, but after finishing the operation.
And similar after placing a people component in my model.
And once a simple save failed, telling me that it was impossible to save the file. Worked immediately afterwards.
Thanks Guys, so it looks like its not advisable quite yet.
I'm now wondering if I should install when I get it on Tuesday
next. Any suggestions Tim?Mike
@mike lucey said:
Thanks Guys, so it looks like its not advisable quite yet.
I'm now wondering if I should install when I get it on Tuesday
next. Any suggestions Tim?Mike
Me personally I would probably not be able to wait and would install it
Have you still got a pc with SU on so you could carry on working with SU if required.
I guess it is all down to how much you rely on SU.Why not wait to hear reports of others trying first. Im sure within a few days of release the forums will start receiving reports.
Dylan, I ordered a Family Pack (5 users) at €199 against a single
user license for €129. So I'll load it onto the wife's Mac and
see how SU works on that.I thought the Family Pack great value at €199
That is such a good deal for 5 users.
Im still hoping to get a mac myself when I can find a couple of thousand pounds spare. -
@unknownuser said:
That is such a good deal for 5 users.
Im still hoping to get a mac myself when I can find a couple of thousand pounds spare.Dylan,
Apple are doing finance! Buy on the drip is one
option! You'll make the interest in productivity
increase over 24 monthsMike
@mike lucey said:
Any suggestions Tim?
Right now I'd say that if you depend upon SU for work then I wouldn't install Leopard yet. Or at least, not on your main/only disk. IF you have a secondary disc you can use and boot form it to test then you might find that this is only a problem on the MacBook models - after all they do have a rather low-power graphics chip, different from all the other models,
Since you really ought to have a secondary disk for TimeMachine usage anyway, this should be practical for you to try.
Aside from this problem my MacBook is quite happy. I love the new coverflow finder and when SU can make good use of it (an improvement in the 'custom icon' option should do it) it will be very useful. For example, I have large collection of pdf article from FineWoodWorking and used to have to rely on the filenames. Now with CoverFlow you can flick through them to find the wanted one. I see it as a way to return to the 'muscle memory' idea that we originally thought the 'messy desk' idiom would help back in the old days of graphical UIs. It's amazing how fast the thumbnails generate and how quickly you can open the doc to read.
Not so impressed by the translucent menubar though
Then again, never was impressed with the menubar idea anyway. Had lots of animated discussions with Jef Raskin about that over the years!
Thanks Tim, I think the idea of booting from a second disk
is the way to go for the time being.Mike
Tim - we've tested Leopard on earlier versions and noticed there are a couple of OpenGL issues fxed, one on the video driver on your MacBook & Mac Mini, another on the 24" iMac. We haven't observed beach balling on SketchUp in the situations you mentioned, so I'll get on that today and see if we can recreate what you're seeing. Do you have 1 GB memory or 2? I'd also launch /Applications/Utilities/Activity and take a look at your system's performance and memory usage.
Oh, one other thing: let the indexing run and complete before making any conclusions. Especially on a MacBook. There have been some reports of this, so check it again today assuming you left the machine on.
Sorry, I had to wait until I knew this posted before saying more:
We're working on a fix for this, but basically Google Earth -> Get Current View and Google Earth -> Place Model (PPC only) are having issues. I'm also noticing slowness (give it 2 minutes) on bringing up "Share Model" that may be Safari 3.0.4 related. We'll hunt that one down, but please share anything you notice. Thanks.
Hi All,
Please, anything you find with Leopard start a new thread. I'd hate for issues to get buried.
Thank you.
well Brad, we can alway's bump the post or make it sticky for a while..