A List of Shortcuts?
Mr Clements, my old buddy!
The Window>Preferences>Shortcuts panel does have an 'export' option that will allow you to sync your shortcuts for two computers. Export from one and import into the other and you'll be more "Insync" than a boy band.Regards, Ross
Hey Rossie:
Hope all is going well for you ... has the "Big Chill" set in yet?
I know about the export function. I did do that already; however, I know that somethings didn't come across properly. That's why I wanted a summary so I could spot any missing or misasigned stuff.
Well I wasn't totally delusional. I found a List Shorts in the Help Menu for my SU5.
It was placed there via a rubyscript which works in SU6 too.
Now is there a ruby guru that could add a print list function to this?
I think that you can copy and paste the text into a text document and print it that way. I thought I remember having dne that before.
Also, the file "Preferences.dat" that is created when you push the "export" button in the dialog, can be opened in a text editor like Notepad, and the shortcuts are listed there in a quite readable form.
check this thread on the very same subject.
Ah, yeah, Edson, thanks... I was really looking for this as a reference but could not find.
@jclements said:
I know about the export function. I did do that already; however, I know that somethings didn't come across properly.
I also noticed this recently when I exported my shortcuts to a colleague's PC. 90% of them came across fine, but a few didn't. Weird, this is one for the bug forum.
@jackson said:
Weird, this is one for the bug forum.
Move it there then Jackson...
I haven't tried to export them yet so I don't know... -
Here's a txt version of the "Introductory SketchUp Notes" I provide my students - these are the "default" shortcuts - you can easily change them to be whatever you want - there's also some additional information listed here as well - maybe this will help (& I hope I'm not infringing on any copyright laws by posting this):
To change units to decimal:
Window --> Model Info --> Units --> Format --> Decimal --> (close the dialog box)To show toolbars:
View --> Toolbars --> Getting Started
View --> Toolbars --> Large Tool Set
View --> Toolbars --> ViewsNote:
Status Bar β the long gray rectangular area at the bottom of the drawing area
Value Control Box β located on the right side of the status bar
Must press Enter to have a value acceptedDefault Shortcuts:
T = Tools --> Tape measure
Space bar = Tools --> Select
S = Tools --> Scale
Q = Tools --> Rotate
P = Tools --> Push/Pull
B = Tools --> Paint Bucket
F = Tools --> Offset
M = Tools --> Move
E = Tools --> Eraser
CTRL + Z = Edit --> Undo
CTRL + T = Edit --> Select None
CTRL + A = Edit --> Select All
CTRL + Y = Edit --> Redo
CTRL + V = Edit --> Paste
G = Edit --> Make Component
Delete key = Edit --> Delete
CTRL + X = Edit --> Cut
CTRL + C = Edit --> Copy
R = Draw --> Rectangle
L = Draw --> Line
C = Draw --> Circle
A = Draw --> Arc
Z = Camera --> Zoom
H = Camera --> Pan
O = Camera --> Orbit