A List of Shortcuts?
Hey Rossie:
Hope all is going well for you ... has the "Big Chill" set in yet?
I know about the export function. I did do that already; however, I know that somethings didn't come across properly. That's why I wanted a summary so I could spot any missing or misasigned stuff.
Well I wasn't totally delusional. I found a List Shorts in the Help Menu for my SU5.
It was placed there via a rubyscript which works in SU6 too.
Now is there a ruby guru that could add a print list function to this?
I think that you can copy and paste the text into a text document and print it that way. I thought I remember having dne that before.
Also, the file "Preferences.dat" that is created when you push the "export" button in the dialog, can be opened in a text editor like Notepad, and the shortcuts are listed there in a quite readable form.
check this thread on the very same subject.
Ah, yeah, Edson, thanks... I was really looking for this as a reference but could not find.
@jclements said:
I know about the export function. I did do that already; however, I know that somethings didn't come across properly.
I also noticed this recently when I exported my shortcuts to a colleague's PC. 90% of them came across fine, but a few didn't. Weird, this is one for the bug forum.
@jackson said:
Weird, this is one for the bug forum.
Move it there then Jackson...
I haven't tried to export them yet so I don't know... -
Here's a txt version of the "Introductory SketchUp Notes" I provide my students - these are the "default" shortcuts - you can easily change them to be whatever you want - there's also some additional information listed here as well - maybe this will help (& I hope I'm not infringing on any copyright laws by posting this):
To change units to decimal:
Window --> Model Info --> Units --> Format --> Decimal --> (close the dialog box)To show toolbars:
View --> Toolbars --> Getting Started
View --> Toolbars --> Large Tool Set
View --> Toolbars --> ViewsNote:
Status Bar β the long gray rectangular area at the bottom of the drawing area
Value Control Box β located on the right side of the status bar
Must press Enter to have a value acceptedDefault Shortcuts:
T = Tools --> Tape measure
Space bar = Tools --> Select
S = Tools --> Scale
Q = Tools --> Rotate
P = Tools --> Push/Pull
B = Tools --> Paint Bucket
F = Tools --> Offset
M = Tools --> Move
E = Tools --> Eraser
CTRL + Z = Edit --> Undo
CTRL + T = Edit --> Select None
CTRL + A = Edit --> Select All
CTRL + Y = Edit --> Redo
CTRL + V = Edit --> Paste
G = Edit --> Make Component
Delete key = Edit --> Delete
CTRL + X = Edit --> Cut
CTRL + C = Edit --> Copy
R = Draw --> Rectangle
L = Draw --> Line
C = Draw --> Circle
A = Draw --> Arc
Z = Camera --> Zoom
H = Camera --> Pan
O = Camera --> Orbit