So what do you think about the SCF?
You have given me a new home. There are only three sites I go to often Hotmail, Facebook and here. I'd hate to see my usage records for this site. Sometimes I come here just to have a break from the boredom of work.
The old forums were good but here we have a new life, new look and new people to learn from and share with.
Thanks Coen and the Gang
Oh Coen - you are my hero...
(Oh, brother.)
Yes, I lke the forums here. Not as tight and compact as the old @Last forum, but that's ok. I like the larger text entry box for sure.
One of the pains with the old forums was actually getting a change made. That certainly is not a problem with this forum. Thank you and the other moderators.
Whereever this forum evolves to is OK by me.
The SCF is GREAT! The newsletter is great. We are all owe you a big thanks to you (Coen)for providing it, and a thank you to Gaius and all the moderators for their continued efforts. I've noticed that I have come to rely on visits to the forum for relief when bogged down with mind-numbing work. Hardly a day goes by I don't visit.
Wow...The main forum page has changed!
Much, much better now. All topics to be seen in one glimps of an eye. PERFECTThanks for listening to your audience.
Top work.Cheers,
kwistenbiebel -
I am amazed at how much I have learned here about using SU. I've posted a couple questions, but mostly just perusing through answers to questions by others and viewing the great tutorials.
Hi all, I've been inactive for a bit lately. Interestingly though, I'm using SU more now than I ever have in the past. So I'm attempting to come back (thanks to some friendly pushing and shoving from Susan Sorger). Already I think I'm addicted in just a few minutes this morning
In general I really like the format. It all looks pretty great. There's mor forums than I'm used to, but I tihnk I'll get used to that. They look really well organized. So keep up the good work everyone!
Chris Fullmer
PS I like Avatars of people that look normal. If they start getting all creepy and lame, I might start turning against the avatars being on. But so far, it seems mostly pretty good on this forum (not like some of the other 3d software forums I've been on before).
If I have a question it is here I will post it and not on the Google forum. I still however miss the uncluttered look of the old Google/@last forum. If you are changing the appearance then simpler is better for me.
looking forward to it...
Lots of very good input here. I have faith in the new forum looking excellent.
I was also a fan of the look of the old forums also, they where nice and streamlined with a professional look.