Hello Everybody!!!
Yeah, I activated you (faster).
See your PM! -
Here Sir
This is just for testing the new forumDaniel S
I'm here, I hope?
Just arrived
Alan -
I guess this is now my second second home, eh? Thanks for the upgrade fellas.
Just check'n to see that things work here as expected. I like the "sketchy" reply and quote buttons. It would be fun to extend that theme.
hello hello
Forum looks really nice now,good job
Looks good in general. Maybe the layout has a bit too much empty white space. The old @Last forum was so delightfully compressed.
Good morning all
I just staggered in and found you all here and I hope there is plenty of beer left as I have a thirst. All that white space makes the forum look very uncrowded so if one wishes one can find a bit of space to gather thoughts in.
Whos round is it? I left my purse at home
Cheers, Bill. -
I'm really glad, guys...
Hello boyz....
Hi Kids! I made it over here too.
Regards, Ross
Solo's in da house too.
Hi to everybody over here.
I see Coens' avatar has him up a tree, probably was wondering about everyones reaction to the big switch!
This is good.
nice work....
you can come down from the tree now.I see almost everyone is posting a new avatar in celebration of the upgrade, so, me too.
Thanks to Coen, Gai and all for your hard work to make these new "Homes" so comfortable.
I suggest the upload attachments´s options should be in white letters.
Plus, as Anssi says, everything more compressed for a better look.Cheers
@juanv.soler said:
I suggest the upload attachments´s options should be in white letters.Yes, there are some smaller things to tweak...
@juanv.soler said:
Plus, as Anssi says, everything more compressed for a better look.
Most of the white spaces are there to let us put extra text (description) into/under the forum names. Have a look at the Newbie forum for instance (that's the second line) Also the subforums go there (that's the third line).
Ta da!
Slow but sloppy. Had a wee bit of confusion getting here but here none the less.
@unknownuser said:
Most of the white spaces are there to let us put extra text (description) into/under the forum names. Have a look at the Newbie forum for instance (that's the second line) Also the subforums go there (that's the third line.
I dont quite get you Gai.
NevermindI find great the change font size button.