Curved text
I need to add a sign to a retail center I"m designing.
How do I make the text follow a curve?
It's flat on the wall with the letters following an arc?
Is this possible with 3d text?
I thought about doing it in PS then importing png?
there is no way to do it within sketchup
mike d -
@glenn said:
I need to add a sign to a retail center I'm designing.
How do I make the text follow a curve?
It's flat on the wall with the letters following an arc?
Is this possible with 3d text?
I thought about doing it in PS then importing png?
GlennMake the text as a image (png/jpg) in PS etc, import it as a texture and wrap it around the curved face - there are examples in Help about wine bottle labels etc...
You could make individual 3D letters [as groups] and then place and rotate each one individually about a fixed centre point...TIG
Thanks for the quick replies.
If I wasn't clear, the surface is flat, I want the letters to follow a curve/arch.
I made it in PS & import as an image.
Thanks again,
I really need to learn how to read....or at least slow down while I"m reading.
I missed the second idea from TIG.
I hadn't thought about that. I'm always lookin' for the easy one click to get what I wantThanks again,
If you have Autocad, you could use arc text, explode the text and import into sketchup.
Robert Good
I use CorelDraw for text to path, explode to curves, export as dxf.
@unknownuser said:
If you have Autocad, you could use arc text, explode the text and import into sketchup.
Robert Good
http://www.digitalnursery.netGreat idea. Then simply extrude.