A Welcome Message to New SketchUcation Members
berlin, it still appears to me like they are still two
greetings to hungary and congrats for your 20.000 post!
now lets welcome the new users here again
hello, this is my third question and it looks like no needed to make anew thread,
so I post the simple question here, hope you guys can help me to solve the problemThis is it:
above is the Top view, I rotate it to match it with the coordinate in Google Earth (i dont know exactly the degree I just rotate it),
if I go to Right view, then the Picture Plan is on A, how to make it to see in B?
Should I do it manually? create a line in origin X direction (i've change the position of the Axes)and measure the degree and then rotate it?
2nd: where is the north?thx
Hi Joe,
The so called "standard views" are always aligned to the original world axes (or global axes) of the model no matter what the alignment of your building or what a new set of (temporary) axes you have. This is a much debated "feature" and many people think it should be changed but for the time being, we have to live with this.
There are two solutions:
- You can align your view to that plane B by navigating to (somewhat) that view then right click on the face that is parallel with that plane and "Align view".
Note that this only works with faces (not groups/components). Once you are in such a view, you can create a scene and get back there next time without this workaround. - Make a component of your whole building adjusting the component axes conveniently (parallel to the building's walls). Now you can always export this component by right clicking and "Saving as...". After you open the component (a new file), it will inherit its axes from the component axes in the model.
You can always "reload" the modified component in your master file: just right click on the original model and "Reload".
- You can align your view to that plane B by navigating to (somewhat) that view then right click on the face that is parallel with that plane and "Align view".
Hay all just discovered Sketchup nice modeling tool.
Just wanted to say hello as I'm new to SketchUp. Not to terribly advanced in any kind of computer modeling but I look forward to getting better and learning more!
To who74 and sketchygal: Welcome on behalf of all in the forum. Gaieus might be napping. Feel free to look around in all of the subforums and ask any question- no matter how trivial you think it is- in order to better understand the program. There are many people willing to assist you.
to Gaieus:
oh woow, umm..I don't know how to thanks, again, Gaieus save my life
thanks to SketchUcation!
Hi all,
Yeah, when Mitcorb wrote, it was 4:30 am. (although was not sleeping but only because I had an overnight job - this is what I made from scratch from evening to dawn)
NOW I am a bit sleepy (and could not save anyone's life even if (s)he was drowning next to me)
Hi everyone!
I'm very new to SketchUp and need some advice please.I'm a third year student and I’m in the process of doing my final year project, I was going to be using 3DS MAX with QUEST, but there was a complication with me having access to the software ( not on the correct course to have a copy.)
One of my lecturers suggested using Unity3D as it's a free game engine after a bit of research I noticed a lot of other people where modelling in SketchUp, as it send both the object and textures across together once it has been exported, but the free version of sketch up I’m using does not allow me to export in .FBX
which is why.....I need to buy the latest pro version but on a student licence in the UK, I am currently using the free version of SketchUp 8, but I need to be able to export my 3D models so I can use them in Unity3D, So if anyone can suggest a website I could buy from, that you know is safe I would be very thankful
(I have ordered an NUS card which should arrive within 7days, to prove I am a student within the UK)
Any help would be very much appreciated,
Thanks for your time, Kate
Hi Kate,
If you are a student, you are eligible for a student license with is only 50$ per academic year. However only students residing in the US/Canada (and with an email address ending with *.edu) can purchase straight from Google - all other students need to purchase from one of the local resellers. Have a look at the list of "Europe, Africa and Middle East" here:
https://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dd8dnz54_4fr7hbmOther possibilities would be to purchase a LightUp license (and since LU is a UK based "company", the hassle should be less as it also has an academic license). LightUp is a unique rendering software working entirely in SU. It has its own baking engine which can then be directly exported into Unity (but it also has its own Player which you can use to walk around in the model so you may not even need Unity at all - depending what you want to achieve).
Now the Google SU academic license works in a special way; after you graduate and decide to purchase the full license, you can discount whatever you have paid so far (in theory at least - I don't know hw it works in practice and especially with resellers). Since you are at the end of your studies, it would not be much of a discount anyway so if you already want to go for the full version, go for it via Google (much simpler and easier).
Also, Unity can import kmz/dae files. There are some issues with newer file versions SU produces but the kmz export of SU 6 is said to work fine. Here you can download SU 6 (Pro):
It will expire after 8 hours of working but will degrade to the functionalities of the free version - and that's what you only need here as there is kmz export in the free version, too. -
Hi, i'm a new SU user and want to learn from all the stuff that's available on the web. I'm dutch and work in a museum.
My first question is about plugins, i noticed that some files in the plugin forum are not available becaus ei'm not a member of a group. How can i get access to that?kind regards,
Hi Henk and welcome, first of all.
I can say that what is "all on the web" is actually here (at least in members' minds) so I guess you are at the right place.
Now as for availability of plug-ins...
Whatever is published in the Plugins forum is all freely available for all members.BUT there are some commercial plugins which may be mentioned here but are not distributed here (and they will o copurse be available only for those who purchase them)
AND there may be plugins under development (i.e. in beta phase) that are not available for the public yet. I know of only one of this kind now.
So which plugin do you have issues (or questions) with?
Hi All,
I'm not very new to SU although I did just register here today and goodness, I wish I had taken the time 3 years ago to find this forum: it seems I have truly been missing out!
I thought it right to at least introduce myself, say that I look forward to taking in the expansive knowledge which I'm sure is here, for I know that I'll be learning new things daily again (which I miss) about this program.Right now I see myself at a moderate knowledge base for SU.
I use SU mostly for hobby reasons, although I am slowly compiling a few furniture lines for potential use later on.Well, I believe that's enough for personal introduction, now to start exploring the forum..
hello Gaieus,thanx for your reply.
I was looking for the plugin 'Mover'.
On a Dutch forum this plugin was mentioned in order making an animation in which
the viewer walks through a room and doors open nicely before you walk onto another room.
My goal in using SU is make drawings of different rooms, maybe fill them with artpieces, animate them,so people can have some idea of what is possible in an exhibition space.
maybe also other plugins are usable in this case.hhenk
Well, as far as I know, Mover does not animate objects:
http://sketchuptips.blogspot.com/2007/08/plugin-mover-2.htmlThere are a couple of object animating plugins like Proper animation, Keyframe animation or SketchyPhysics however.
Hello My Name is Shavedpeach, I am a developer in IMVU and I am trying to learn SketchUp to Make 3D Meshes for virtual Products. In the neo1471 link i was given a Plugin called Meshout, to Facilitate Loading my Files to The IMVU Previewer. I have loaded the files to Sketchup Plugins Folder Several times but can't get the Plugin to load. I am using the plugin Loader also. I just got the Pro 8 Version of SketchUp and was looking forward to creating Mesh, Perplexed now, Any suggestions
~Peach~ -
I do not know anything about the plugins you mentioned, but my first guess would be to go in Sketchup to Window>Preferences>Extensions and see if there is a blank checkbox for the plugin you want.
EDIT Also, if there is a toolbar associated with it, go to View>Toolbars and check it in the list.
Here is what the README file says that comes with the script - after a bit of detective workThe script file itself is named "
" and should be placed in the "Plugins" folder within the Sketchup folder.Example:
C:\Program Files\Google\Google SketchUp 8\Plugins\meshout.rbs
Remember to delete any previous versions of this script that may be in the folder.
After placing the script in its appropriate location, relaunch Sketchup.
A new menu item should appear as
Plugins > MeshOut v0.3.22 > Export IMVU File Set
...It will ask you to save your model before performing an export. The name of the exported files will default to the name of your model. A single XSF file should be generated containing the skeleton information. Each mesh will then be exported into separate XMF files as well as their associated textures. The file itself is encrypted so it's not possible to see what code is being used to run it, make menus etc...
If all else fails try the novel idea of contacting the script's author
[This product was made by ApocalypseSurvivor all rights belong to ApocalypseSurvivor.
RPVU are simply a host for this file and take no credit for the creation of MeshOut...
Any problems feel free to ask at http://www.rpvu-imvu.com] -
@tig said:
Here is what the README file says that comes with the script - after a bit of detective workThe script file itself is named "
" and should be placed in the "Plugins" folder within the Sketchup folder.Example:
C:\Program Files\Google\Google SketchUp 8\Plugins\meshout.rbs
Remember to delete any previous versions of this script that may be in the folder.
After placing the script in its appropriate location, relaunch Sketchup.
A new menu item should appear as
Plugins > MeshOut v0.3.22 > Export IMVU File Set
...It will ask you to save your model before performing an export. The name of the exported files will default to the name of your model. A single XSF file should be generated containing the skeleton information. Each mesh will then be exported into separate XMF files as well as their associated textures. The file itself is encrypted so it's not possible to see what code is being used to run it, make menus etc...
If all else fails try the novel idea of contacting the script's author
[This product was made by ApocalypseSurvivor all rights belong to ApocalypseSurvivor.
RPVU are simply a host for this file and take no credit for the creation of MeshOut...
Any problems feel free to ask at http://www.rpvu-imvu.com]I extracted the Files Directly to the Plugins Folder for SketchUp, as far as I know the Guy has Disappeared
it Mentions something on the Neo link...IMVU has 37,000 Developers and its an Expanding Market. 3D Max has ruled there, But there are Quite A few Who Would like to Use Sk SketchUp if the File Conversion Issues were resolved. If anyone who is Familiar with the Ruby Script Would Be interested in creating a New Conversion Plug in there is a Lot of PPL who would Benefit. Peach