A Welcome Message to New SketchUcation Members
@jcharltoncarp said:
...as a carpenter I will need to join the woodworking board...
I have add you to that usergroup so you should be able to see it / post in there.
@remus said:
Hi david. Those physical models sound rather intriguing, howd you go about cutting out the slices after youve cut up the SU model? Is it a case of printing out templates and using them to cut your slices or have you found a more elegant solution?
We have in our shop a 5 axis mill driven off of Surfcam software. I export a .dxf file of the sections into Surfcam and then we cut the sections out of 5mm foam core.
mmmmm, 5 axis of milling goodness. I imagine theres some fun to be had with a machine like that.
@remus said:
mmmmm, 5 axis of milling goodness. I imagine theres some fun to be had with a machine like that.
Hi there
Greetings from Sydney Australia
While not new to SKU, (started with V5) I'm new to this forum and am hoping someone can point me in the right direction because I'm feeling a bit stupid. I downloaded ToolsOnSurface, LibFredo6_31c, Freescale_20c and JointPushPull from the Ruby Forum yesterday. As I'm working on a MacBook Pro, Mac OS X 10.5.2 4GB RAM, I saved the folders into the Library/Application Support/SketchUp7/Plugins folder. Opened SKU and they weren't loaded. OK, open SKU Preferences to add them and they weren't available.
OK, (deep breath) go back to Plugins folder and take the .rb files out of their respective folders so they are now at the same level as all other .rb files. Restart SKU only to be told that "no such file to load -- /Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 7/SketchUp/Plugins/TOS_Dir_13/LoaderOnSurface.rbError Loading File ZLoader__OnSurface.rb
no such file to load -- /Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 7/SketchUp/Plugins/TOS_Dir_13/LoaderOnSurface.rb."
What am I doing wrong? Told you I felt a bit stupid!
Cheers from Orchard Collie, Architectural Drafting Teacher, Sydney Institute of Technology. -
Welcome Orchard, I don't use MAC but I'm sure someone can help out.....
Just thoutgh I'd say hi!!!! -
Hi Orchard and welcome.
Me not a Mac user either, am not sure what the issue is but when I unzip on a Windows system, it offers me the possibility to unzip the content under the Plugins folder into a (sub)folder which would have the same name as the zip file.
Now I have to unzip everything straight under the Plugins folder, not into this offered subfolder.If we take an example,I download JointPushPull.zip. Inside (not necessarily with these names but I am just making them up) there is another folder called JointPushPull and an rb file say jointpushpull.rb. Windows offers me to unzip everything into a folder called JointPushPull and within this folder, a subfolder JointPushPull (again) and the rb file. Now this is what's not good because both should go right under the main Plugin directory.
So if you moved the rb file under Plugins and it is already loading,it's good news. Bad news is that i's trying to acces something that's in the folder you haven't moved up one level yet. Move that up,too (and do the same with all the downloaded plugins) and I hope they will work properly.
As a complete newbie to the forum I had a problem accessing files when logged in, as has been mentioned by several others ( Ghostbear on 4/13, GregT 4/2, Khai 3/31, ely862me 4/2, JeanFranco 4/4 ). I had sought help from Gaieus and Coen Nanick on April 12, and with a lot of patience they were able to figure out the problem, which was:
There are separate registrations for the Sketchup.com main web page where it says "Log in here" at the top of the page next to the search box. The Sketchup Forums registration is after we click on the Forums tab. My problem was that I was using a log-in to the SU site and then trying to access files on the SUF site.
This may not be the problem in question, but I thought I might mention what worked for me.
Thanks to Gaieus and Coen for their help.
Thanks for the feedbeck and glad that eventually everything was worked out.
Hi, im new to this forum, and have decided to look into sketchup after seeing some of the great renders that a few members here have posted over at cadtutor.
background is in autocad / max-viz and coreldraw, but i am looking at SU for some Expo stand design work i have coming up. I hope to have SU as a rapid concept design tool that i can then use for a finished rendered product for approval.
i will have to look into the Tut's and get my head round the workflow process. i have alot of 3d solid models in acad that i hope to be able to drop into SU and apply quick mats and logo's to.
Hi Glenn and welcome. With some (vector) graphic background - even despite SU may work different in certain areas - you should be able to pick it up quickly.
@orchard collie said:
Hi there
Greetings from Sydney Australia
While not new to SKU, (started with V5) I'm new to this forum and am hoping someone can point me in the right direction because I'm feeling a bit stupid. I downloaded ToolsOnSurface, LibFredo6_31c, Freescale_20c and JointPushPull from the Ruby Forum yesterday. As I'm working on a MacBook Pro, Mac OS X 10.5.2 4GB RAM, I saved the folders into the Library/Application Support/SketchUp7/Plugins folder. Opened SKU and they weren't loaded. OK, open SKU Preferences to add them and they weren't available.
OK, (deep breath) go back to Plugins folder and take the .rb files out of their respective folders so they are now at the same level as all other .rb files. Restart SKU only to be told that "no such file to load -- /Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 7/SketchUp/Plugins/TOS_Dir_13/LoaderOnSurface.rbError Loading File ZLoader__OnSurface.rb
no such file to load -- /Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 7/SketchUp/Plugins/TOS_Dir_13/LoaderOnSurface.rb."
What am I doing wrong? Told you I felt a bit stupid!
Cheers from Orchard Collie, Architectural Drafting Teacher, Sydney Institute of Technology.Hi Orchard.
i can work this out with you if you're still having problems. i think you have the gist of it right and the mistake is that you're putting an extra folder in there.. (i assume you don't have problems with 'simple' rubies which only contain the sole .rb file. ?)
let's start with joint push pull which can be found in this thread:
download the file called JointPushPull.zip from the first post in that thread.unzip the file (or maybe you have safari set up to open it upon receiving it).. either way, you should now have a folder called 'JointPushPull'
open that folder and you will see three items : jointpushpull.rb , a folder named JPP_Dir, and a file called LibTraductor.rb
Place those three items in your sketchup plugins folder:
Macintosh HD/Library/Application Support/SketchUp7/Pluginsnow launch SU and JointPushPull will be loaded.
if that works out ok for you, try similar steps for the other rubies (ie- the main folder that comes in with the download doesn't get placed in the plugins folder.. it's just holding the different parts that need to be installed)..
if you still have problems, report back in this thread or PM me.
Can you suggest a way to change part of a livery ( external markings, names, logo. etc.) on a airliner model downloaded from the 3Dwarehouse. The idea is to take a model, remove all detailing, add my own features and modifications, and then detail to a different scheme. Not planning to put it back on the web and claim it as my own, but to learn how to work with contours, skins, etc.
Now when I select a numeral and delete it, the entire panel is deleted with it and stitching the panel back is a task in itself.
Would the solution be to select the numeral, explode it and then erase each segment? or a better method is available that I am not aware of.
Thanks ... SS
Those things (logos and such) can be applied two ways;
- it's just an image - more exactly part of the image texture applied to the whole body/wing etc. In this case,you only need to edit (or replace) the image.
- it can also be intersected with the geometry and the faces filled in with some material (colour) in which case you need to get rid of this intersected geometry by simply deleting it (the edges, not the face).
These edges are mostly softened however but you can reveal all hidden/softened geometry by going to View menu and checking "Hidden geometry".
Thank you Gaieus,
My error was in deleting the surfaces, and not the edges. Deletion of edges works fine. Something learnt today.
.. ss
Hello Yes I am new to this and I have downloaded su & sp after being frustrated and diffrent things. The one that is getting me again is I keep geeting a message at the top of my screen saying that requires sketchphysics beta 3 I have down loaded it but the programs still says I need it whats up and how do I fix it plz help.
I think the best would be to post in our "SP Subforum " (under "Extensions... ") where Chris Phillips, author and developer of SP is the "governor". He must be able to precisely explain what you are doing wrong (like not unzipping necessary subfolders properly or such - I can't tell since I don't use SP).
Can some one help to understand why su is not proforming right I down loaded it this morning aging and its working even wrost than before I am missing something
Have you had a look at the openGL settings? (window->preferences->openGL) you should have 'hardware acceleration' and 'fast feedback' ticked.
As for the sketchyphysics thing, you will always get that on models that were made with sketchyphysics. It doesnt make any difference whether youve got sketchyphysics installed.
Three fairly basic questions:-
Is there a way to turn off the snapping behavior, or at least to modify it. I could not find an answer in the pdf SU7 manual.
Can the rotate tool protector be snapped to one of the three axis by using a keyboard shortcut? I draw a cube and hold a reference to a face using the Shift key. Is something better available?
Can the vertices of a 2D shape be moved independently? The vertices of a 3D shape?
Thanks in advance,
Seydell -