A Welcome Message to New SketchUcation Members
Thank, that my problem sketch is working so slow , I have a file with 12 mb ,it is only raised floor and some decoration on the walls , an image materially, dont much more , i dont know if i need to fix something in sketch or in Mac . It's MacBook Pro retina 2.7 gh 16 RAM .i think is more than enough for sketch Thank to everyone and sorry for my english
Have you used Model Info > Statistics > Purge Unused... ?
Check for things that are hidden [View > Hidden Geometry > ON] and/or on OFF layers: switch them 'ON'... decide if you need to keep them...
How big [kb] are the images you have used as textures for materials ? -
Hi I'm an architect,working with sketchuo 2 years and am always visiting the site in search of news.
Welcome Arthur!
Hi there, I just joined. I'm into furniture design. My wife studied architecture and got me interested in furniture, so it all kinda took of from there. Seems like a very nice site, looking forward to learn
OK sound just fine, good to know my stupid questions wont be rejected
will try to make sure to post in the right categories. Thanks for the update.
Welcome to you, Morten. Was someone whispering in your ear on another channel?
I think this community would value your membership because of your unique insight, and we await to help you if you have questions.
@mitcorb said:
Welcome to you, Morten. Was someone whispering in your ear on another channel?
I think this community would value your membership because of your unique insight, and we await to help you if you have questions.
Thanks man, Actually I found the website just searching for "sketchup" stuff. But I am getting my wife to sign up too, and she might be the most active, as she is the real designer in this little family
good morning or good evening. I am a newcomer and I thank you for what you are doing. are an Italian venice and not knowing your language well I use the google translator.
the work you do and 'wonderful long time I use your tools reperendoli from the web.
I finished working for years and now I can dedicate to my hobby.
The main hobbies include wood carving, modeling, .... and of course the design.
thanks again and good work. -
Hi All,
I'm a newbie SketchUcationer and this is my first post.
I work with a landscape architect, and use SU to help work out design ideas and create final presentations to help clients better visualize projects.
I'm interested in honing my skills as a SU modeler, and look forward to learning more about SU from the folks at SketchUcation.
Looks like a great site! -
My name is Eliana. I've been a website designer for the past 15 years, and looking for a new career. I just started learning SketchUp, and I wonder if one can make a career out of it, without being an architect, landscape designer, product designer...
What's the best way to get started? Does this site have a series of online courses, or do you pick and choose from the tutorials?
Eliana -
Halo.. I'm from Malaysia and would love to learn as much skills as I'm allowed.
I'm currently a student in product design. Still new to all 2D n 3D software so I'm having problems doing my work, especially presentation panels.
Anyway, what is a mood board or concept board? Fashion lecturers say it is something that tells a story about our product and made into 3D form (this is for minor class on footwear design) but Industrial Design lecturers say it's a compilation of pictures that explains about our product (this is for major class on product design). I'm confused..
2nd question is what software should i use to open sketchucation's plugin downloader? My computer can't open it. Something about .rbz, I think.
Nice meeting everyone. Thank you for your time. -
Hi, I'm Adey. I am just starting out in SketchUp, purely as a hobbiest. I have no experience in Architecture or Design, but plenty in learning software, so the plan is to play around with SketchUp and to just have some fun, and see where it leads.
Hi Adey and Nur. Welcome to Sketchucation. Have fun!
Nur: load .rbz within Sketchup under Preferences / Extensions "Install Extension"
I'd say until you pass the course the concept board is whatever your professor says it is.
Hi, I'm Reekardo. I'm trying to make plans for my house remodel. I'm a newbie in drafting, construction, and Sketchup.
I've bought Sketchup Pro 8 and naively thought that Layout 3 would be adequate for this project. It seems to me that Layout 3 is pretty unpolished and I've been struggling with it.
I've been trying to proof my ArchD sized drawing on my HP LaserJet printer. Everytime I print, it only prints the upper left hand corner of the drawing. Is there someway to get tiled pages printed so that I can tape together a full size drawing?
I've tried to export to a PDF and have used two different third party PDF print drivers without success. I've tried to do this on a Windows 7 64 bit computer and my ancient Windows XP desktop. I'm upgrading to a much hotter desktop with a boatload of memory very soon running Windows 8.1 and hopefully that will help.
Ultimately I might just use InDesign because I just bought a 64 bit version of Adobe CS6 and I'm kind of familiar with Adobe products.
Any suggestions for successfully printing? Is it possible to layout on a letter size drawing and then somehow scale it up to a D size (36" x 24") drawing?
When can I join the forums as a member in good standing?
For what it's worth I managed to print out my ArchD drawing by exporting it to a PDF and then printing that from a PDF viewer. It tiled the printout to letter sized paper like normal. Not sure what I did wrong before.
In any case, I'm improving my skills in LO and may just get my drawings done entirely in SU/LO.
One more time, are we notified when we are allowed to post in the regular forums?
@reekardo said:
One more time, are we notified when we are allowed to post in the regular forums?
You can post anywhere you want, you are not specifically limited to this thread. One more post will need to be moderated after that your posts will be done in real time.
Hi, my name is Kevin & I used Sketchup back in the early Google days, had a long while of inactivity (usually my work in games and films has centered around Maya or in-house tools), and came back to it last year to find the environment much-changed for the better!
Hi all. I just joined less then a week ago. I have a garden train and I thought building a reprap 3d printer would help me in different areas of creating figures and such. Really enjoyed building the printer and it went well and prints good. BUT taking a skp 3d file and get bit ready for printing is something I wasn't expecting. I posted my first situation in newbes hoping I will learn something about stl files. I like the 3d warehouse as there is a lot of people files there. but haven't had any luck printi8ng any yet. but I'm sure it's something I'm doing wrong. I love fourms as there is so much intelligent there and always wanting others to succeed. I have been reading so much trying to get a handle on this I think my eyes are getting carpal tunnel vision.
Thanks, So much to learn so little time. :smile:
Hi y name is Simon, i'm novice in SU, i have a tons of question !
Thx !