quantum mechanics and the matrix
Hi guys is anybody here have an interest in quantum mechanics? ( please consider I am not a conspiracy person and do not believe our late Queen was in fact a lizard)
I have been following this with interest for many years.. If you do have an interest I would suggest you have a look at theDouble slot experiment. Basically they shot particles through the slots, expecting the the slots would register as shadows on the screen beyond the slots. However that did not happen and when observed the particles would turn into waveforms and when not observed they remain particles. this stuff is from mainstream physicists they are questioning if we are living in an simulation, and the more they look into it the more they think this may be the case. Stuff is getting strangeAs I said I have been into this stuff for years and the opinions in this video just putting stuff together. I have seen or heard about all the elements and concepts individually and in my humble opinion, they are valid
https://youtu.be/otCsvBAn25c?si=OlAueJKVavQFdlgG -
At quantum level I'd say trying to understand it is a whole new branch of science.
Did you see Google Quantum Chip? https://blog.google/technology/research/google-willow-quantum-chip/
Willow performed a standard benchmark computation in under five minutes that would take one of today’s fastest supercomputers 10 septillion (that is, 1025) years — a number that vastly exceeds the age of the Universe.
Its kinda frightening that we have the ability to play in a realm we can't yet fully explain.
Yes willow is cool and aboit 50mmx50mm and it needs a telephone size diivice to control the the [temperature of the Chip, Mind blowing. yes even the people who conduct the experiment do not know how it works, they only have hypothesises
I will watch the video, yet years ago I read a book on quantum physics (by Alastair I. M. Rae). Due to the book, The thing is that the "observer effect" happens on micro-scale (and one suggestion to upscale it is the Schrödinger's cat hypothesis).
Due to the book if I remember, our world has started by an intangible division on micro scale, and all successive creatures are the result of micro-scale incidents. So basically our world is the result of micro incidents.
If those tiny incidents were different, the result would be another world in another level/time—maybe still dinosaurs were alive. Or if those micro incidents were faster, we would be in another level of knowledge, civilization, and technology.
and here is the fun part:
As the observer makes the reality (on micro-scale, and our world or other possible worlds are an accumulation of those observations), the "PROPER OBSERVER" can witness whatever world they anticipate...
it means that the world of UFOs and dinosaurs are there waiting for the proper observer to realize them... -
That does not even touch on the multiverse theory, that would unify the whole pattern but put it into a loop so tight it would make more than one's head spin.
Quantum theory absolutely supports the multiverse theory,the multiverse and quantum theory are absolutely entangled (pun intended) in the double slot experiment and the observed particle effect
Sorry, I tried a joke but missed by a mile.
I missed it Mike sorry
Mea culpa, I must think things through a bit mnore.