D5 Render Work
I think this is my favourite from this selection.
Small stable? Its bigger than the Dunkin Donuts!
All really quality stuff. Always liked your style. Lots of entourage but not intrusive or distracting.
Thanks guys!
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@marked001 Nice work.
Where did you get the horse? I've been looking for a horse for D5.
yeah, no horse in D5 is kind of odd. That seems like the #1 farm animal to have. I'm pretty certain they are just from the warehouse...but I could be wrong. Anyway, here they are if you want them: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/0tu640p9jvaet8gfin8g0/Horse.skp?rlkey=sube78c09dd0hq3uf77874xp2&dl=0
Excellent renders as your usual.
@marked001 said in D5 Render Work:
yeah, no horse in D5 is kind of odd. That seems like the #1 farm animal to have. I'm pretty certain they are just from the warehouse...but I could be wrong. Anyway, here they are if you want them: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/0tu640p9jvaet8gfin8g0/Horse.skp?rlkey=sube78c09dd0hq3uf77874xp2&dl=0
Thanks Mark. I was looking in Benderkit and they're buggy when you sync them from Blender to D5.
You're killing it Gus. Excellent work as always.