Generic 2500teu feeder container ship
That looks like it will be an amazing simulator!
^, it does indeed. He is a great advertisement for it too.
Thanks, we will have a playable alpha ready in the next few days!
"A" Deck gets some attention, would love to do a full interior, hopefully in the future! especially since there`s a pool just below the poop deck on the starboard aft quarter
Your level of detail blows my mind.
Thanks Nxtdave! have to start slowing down on adding detail though, im already at 60k polys!
Here she is shown in a Maersk Livery :
Chain has been optimized, thats a 6k saving, mooring lines loaded into the drums and the cargo holds are complete. The rust will be coming soon. The watertight doors are modeled in detail and used to generate normal maps and diffuse textures to be used later
Wow this is gonna be insane!
Great work, axeonalias. I know I have to resist the temptation of adding detailed bolts everywhere but since they're components that can easily be changed. Another thing is splitting up symmetrical objects into separate components along an axis line so a bolt alone can be split into six components within the bolt component. If you're viewing an object from 100s of feet away you can't notice the threads or bolt details.
Speaking of bolts. I just discovered that Blender has a built in bolt and nut maker which allows you to create bolts of various types on the fly. I tested it and exported as a dxf and imported into Sketchup and they clean up well and it's even a perfect solid. I have to go back to my donuts lessons from last spring when I was starting to learn Blender. Anyone that needs bolts or nuts for Sketchup can easily use this since all it requires is some rather basic keystrokes.
Wow, that tool is awesome! Is Blender passing SU by?
Thanks Guys, Appreciate the comments!
Gus I cant imagine anything creating bolt heads quicker than SU! the slowest part is placing them, but the move-align-me tool makes that as quick as drag and drop, which is perfect for what I need, for this Lifeboat im going to try a high poly bake onto a low poly mesh, Diffuse and normal.
@ntxdave said:
Wow, that tool is awesome! Is Blender passing SU by?
Blender has a lot of features and you can't beat it for organic and complicated forms but it's too complicated to surpass Sketchup. I have yet to learn Blender but it's a lot easier to lay out and dimension buildings in Sketchup than it is in Blender. It's free which is great. I was considering Rhino at one point since it allow dimensioning similar to Autocad where in Blender it's somewhat of a mystery. I'd like to be able to use both.
Decided to find a shipyard for the renders, after much trial and error, there is a result. This is the mid detail mesh, still need to find a way to get the highest detail mesh to work, detail isnt good enough for close up renders at the moment
My inner five year old say's, "Wow".
An engineering miracle
The bridge wing console is modeled, decals coming soon, not sure how im going to deal with the lid in vsng just yet, but in Navismaster it will be easy to animate and hinge as it should when clicking on it, this pretty much wraps up the exterior modeling for the ship, ill be doing final touch up`s and then proceed to the fun part...unwrapping
The details and precision in your models blows me away.
You must use a lot of plugins to obtain this level of detail.
Thanks for showing these development threads, they ginve me inspiration and on bad days, like today, they make me smile.
You bring a lot of pleasant moments when I am down and I am sure I am not the only one, we ALL have bad days and I think during the last few years there have been a lot of those for all of us.
Thank you, seriously.
Simply amazing. Every new picture you post just melts my brain a little more.
Thanks guys and I really appreciate your comments!
Mike when I start feeling that low when on a large project, I try to move on to a fresh segment of it, even just searching through new images and vids online can help boost your creativity and motivation, I only work on this project after hours, and I spend 8-9 hours a day at work on sketchup as well!
Nxtdave not as you might think! for the first few years I did not use any plugins, and even now I only use a few to make life quicker, but the outcome is still the same, nothing you see here needs plugins, I do spend more time on research than on modeling however since I need to have a basic understanding of every items function before modeling it.