Insert several objects at once from import
Good night to all and thank you in advance for your help.
My problem is:
I add to use the "Import All from folder" to import several objects to keep them separated in Sketchup, but they don't get inserted in the screen, just go to the components list and I get one component for each object.-Is there a way to automatically place the imported objects (each object as a group is better, but components is ok to) on the screen without have to place them one by one?
- Is there a way to import files as groups, not components?
- Is there a way to insert all components at once from the list, if I cannot get imported groups?
I working with DAE files.
Sorry for my english.
Thank you
@pacaeiro said:
-Is there a way to automatically place the imported objects (each object as a group is better, but components is ok to) on the screen without have to place them one by one?
There's no native option for that unless they were all in the same SketchUp file to start with.
@pacaeiro said:
- Is there a way to import files as groups, not components?
No. Why would you want to do that anyway?
@pacaeiro said:
- Is there a way to insert all components at once from the list, if I cannot get imported groups?
No. You would need to import them one at a time.
You can drag a .dae file from your file explorer into the SketchUp viewport.
That's how I tend to bring in files. Using the File > Import dialog can get tedious for many files. But a cup of coffee and some quick dragging and its a form of therapy.
Thank you both for your answers!