Corner bricks render
Hi, I was walking in an area I do not usually visit. I saw a renovation had been done to an old Australian Federation style house with a childs toy in the front of the new build. I thought it would be an interesting subject to render render.
In those days we did not often get perfect vitrification of clay bricks. when I did a test render the bricks looked fine but the corner, the bricks did not look convincing (a perfectly straight edge) I took a lot of "chips" out of the corner, it took quite a while but it did the trick. -
what a beautiful "snapshot" this is! - precisely because of its scenic "randomness"...
@hornoxx said:
:thumb: what a beautiful "snapshot" this is! - precisely because of its scenic "randomness"...
Thanks Horoxx
that is what i thought. Did the owners run out of money, were they exausted having a small child and doing a renovation? Is Mum or Dad working super hard to pay for it? Why is they child playing in builders spoils? Thats why I was interested in that situation, it is a story.
very cool detail
Good improvements IMO. Sharper and brighter, to me. Very realistic IMO.
Wow! It was perfect to start and yet you made it better!
Nice job, very well done. You have an eye for detail, especially in the work you put into the corner
How about using Round Corner to correct the sharp edges, I use this myself sometimes.
Thanks nxtdave, Loco and Bryan
I find it worthwhile to sit on an image for a few days and then pic it to bits. It seems those tweaks can effect the overall look very positively. I was suprised at the difference, as I usually am
About round corners, I could be wrong but not sure I would have control over the brick coursing with round corners and I got the "Craggey" look I wanted. I will give it a try though -
You will still have control over the brick material in TM.
@loco said:
You will still have control over the brick material in TM.
Hey Loco, Can you clarify please?
You can scale it and position as you want on each face separately if need be. So you can fine tune it.