Wow! Very nice!
Very nice!
Very nice work Gus, By the look of the landscape you are not a lazy modeller
Thanks all. Most of the landscaping is from Vizpark. The grass is Skatter. I modeled that way back and found a lot of ungrouped geometry. I did all of the modeling by hand for the house.
Here's another one including a work view and the old NPR rendering.
If anyone has any questions feel free to ask.
@l i am said:
Very nice work Gus, By the look of the landscape you are not a lazy modeller
Thanks. I've dabbled with landscaping plans which mostly involved industrial site plans. Doing it with proxies is a little difficult because all I'm looking at are wire frame boxes before rendering.
Hi Gus, I meant the topography is not a flat plane. Complex topography much more work but so absolutely worth it
@l i am said:
Hi Gus, I meant the topography is not a flat plane. Complex topography much more work but so absolutely worth it
Oh. In this one I just did a simple downward arc from the front setback to the back of curve. A previous rendering I used Fredo's topo generator and was lucky enough to have the topography from the land survey in CAD.
I did the Grand Tetons back in 2013 using topography from a USGS PDF which I converted to lines in some program I was using back then. It was quite tedious but I seemed to enjoy doing it.
Minor correction; the name of the plugin is TopoShaper.
@ntxdave said:
Minor correction; the name of the plugin is TopoShaper.
Right? It even says so in the link to my original post.
My apology! I did not go to your link. I just read the text. If you look in my direction you should see a ver bright red glow from my face. Maybe it is time for me to take a major break from posting.
Again, My APOLOGY !