Problems to make a triangular object with angles <90°
I need to put this triangular piece on the horizontal to mill it, but I can't get the operation to work.
It is a component of a pyramid roof.
How to do?
Kind regards
After contemplating it again, I first thought it was in the horizontal. But no, because of the shadow in the screenshot it should not be.
First thing to raise is face normals or, as SketchUp refers to them, Back faces.
The blue colouring is a sign your geometry is inside out. A big No No when designing in 3D.
To correct that select a 'white' face and right click and choose Orient Faces
Now at the bottom double the face to select and its boundary edges and also select the 3 perpendicular edges and delete them. You should have this...
Redraw any edge of the hole to form a face, PushPull it and and inference a bottom edge to punch the hole through
I don't find the equivalent of that menu in my Sketchup Pro 22.0.354 in german.
What do you call a white face? and what do you mean by "inside out"?The menu I get when right clicking on the "white" triangle in the middle:
A right click menu is a context menu. So it changes depending on the context.
Edit your components by double clicking and then select a face to see context menu entries related to raw geometry.
I had found that by myself and tried to delete my previous message but didn't succeed in doing it.
..but it still isn't flat."...bottom double [click] the face to select and its boundary edges and also select the 3 perpendicular edges and delete them"
I am not sure to understand which face and perpendicular (there are no 90°corners, except in the inner triangle) edges you mean. Do you mean the dotted "cage" surrounding the object?
Your faces still look inverted.
What is not flat? Are you are referring to the component orientation?
If you make geometry off axis and then wrap it as a component you can use the context menu to set the local orientation for the geometry.
"What is not flat? Are you are referring to the component orientation?"
yesI need to put the piece on the platform of my mill.
ok, changing axes seems to be the solution, referring to the only vertical line (except the inner triangle) to do so.
The result: