Terrace house #2
Hi, I love it when I see works in progress. But they do not seem to appear very often. And a nod to Bryan K for his epic nadesko. Anyway for what it is worth I will post the progress of this concept. It is a modern terrace amongst period terrace houses typically Sydney NSW. The concept is based upon a period home that has been destroyed. Not sure how I would get it through planning
Basically it has no, or very little details on the facade unlike the surrounding buildings. I wanted to have a fully transparent facade showing the staircase wrapping around the stone pillar. When I was looking for inspiration I found a similar concept where the ground floor was the garage for a car that can drive out through the front of the build. I have decided to forgo a outdoor veranda justifying that the front is very exposed and this facility is at the rear on the second level. The second shot is of the aspect ratio of the render. About 8 hours work so far. I expected I would design model and render in the same day, I have been wrong before on this
Just reporting back in with progress. Just thought it maybe intersting to some here that somebody shows progrress of an image through all stages
I have inported SU into TM. Have chosen the sky HDRI and think it will work. There is no interior lighting ATM so the lights are just material glow. I will have to go into the model and fix the alignment of the cieling lights. The first image is PT on and the second is with PT off.
Interesting to see how your setting things up. Have no experience with Twinmotion so donโt feel I can add any comments regarding your set up. Curious though why you didnโt post this in the work in progress thread. Seems it would get more response over there?
@tuna1957 said:
Interesting to see how your setting things up. Have no experience with Twinmotion so donโt feel I can add any comments regarding your set up. Curious though why you didnโt post this in the work in progress thread. Seems it would get more response over there?
Hi Tuna, I am not concerned about responses really at this stage. I was just showing the work periodically As I would have liked to have seen something similar before I took up rendering, I thought it was black magic a few years ago. So just demystifying for some people with not much experience. Might get a bit more interesting when I get into tweaking some time in the future, I hope to finish in about a week
And at some stage I may post looking for second opinions. It has made me do better when I have recived constructive critisism in the past including from yourself
Ok things are getting normal now. I imported a road internally in TM (Sketchfad road) Well it is 3 roads as in the image. They are collapsed and uneditable so I cant actually use them, Also when I changed a material in TM it changed about 5 textures all being different colours and despite havng different material names. I know enough about TM not to fight it and simply start again losing about 3 hours work. The joys of rendering
What was the issue with the roads? Can you link the SketchFab model?
Hi. I am using TM and the modification gizmo has gone so small it is vertuallu unusable, going online to find a fix. Have achieved about 5 mins work in the last two hours
With the frustrations thrown at me my experience told me to put the pen dowm. So I let it sit for a couple of weeks as I was not "feeling it" I do not remember how I got inspired again but decided to take another go at it with a more interesting compostion. I have attched a screen shot of the new composition and I am inspired again I spent about 6 hours just on the geometry of the old house, lots of geometry and study of renovations in Sydney Paddington Australia. I think this juxtaposition of Architectural styles will be very interesting. I am now feeling it
As I said before I put this project to bed for a rest. It is the weekend and I can play around with rendering it. I have spent another 6 or so hours on geometry of the old building. The images are screenshots of SU and a screen render in Twinmotion for a priliminary test of my settings to see how it is shaping up. I am assuming that I will spend another 6 hours on the render which will turn out to about 10 if history repeats. Sorry for the small images but I do not have time for render outputs
With the road issue, always download assets directly from Sketchfab site if you want to edit them more. There is an option within Twinmotion to click on the asset and go to sketchfab site to download it. Then import it from where you saved it into your scene.