Texture Position
I've had it happen on .DAE imports sometimes. Strangely the offensive face/s that prevented texture positioning were non-planar quads that SU did not triangulate on import. So the quad was respected in SU even though SU doesn't support non-planar quads....but does when it feels like it
This non-planar quad UVs probably didn't jive with SU's UVW texture position but the importer still generated a non-planar textured quad in SU?
So, yes I've had it happen but never on geometry that was created in SketchUp only imports.
OK. This model was generated with al native SU geometry short of using a CAD import of the floor plan which I've done hundreds of time before without encountering this glitch. It's even doing it within the attached model with new geometry composed of simple planes. I tried importing this model into a new SU file and it still doesn't work along the red plane.
That is weird. First time I loaded file the checker texture would not move via arrow keys but other did.
Then reloaded file and brick wouldn't move.
Contact the pentagon....
Oh I see now. The face on the -x/+x plane don't move. Ok forget the pentagon, we need Elon for this.
If you move the objects any distance arrow key movement returns. So your house must reside somewhere in Bermuda?
This fixed it for me...
So its seems distance to world origin decides if the -x/+x faces can have texture positioning via arrow keys working or not. Which make sense if you think about it...
Here I got positioning restored 50' from origin.
Yep, its reproducible for any geometry. Distance from 0,0,0 whether metric or imperial will kill arrow keys only on -x/+x plane.
I could move textures when at 20 - 25m then it stopped.
That worked! I brought the entire model just short of the origin and everything is back to normal. Thanks Rich.
Its a nice feature not many people know about it. I call it SpaceX