Time slider nudge per keystroke - and plugin idea
Hi everyone!
Trying to figure out a way to nudge time of day slider by one minute per arrow keystroke.
Right now when clicking minutes, or hours one can change time but you get to 59 minutes and the next keystroke resets to 0 min instead of changing the next hour and going to back 0 minutes.
When You click the slider itself (dotted selection line around the slider) it works as expected - keystrokes change time and hours change to next/previous, but at the rate of 5 minutes per keystroke and it's not easy to set exact time to begin with as the slider is very condensed and sensitive.-
Is there a way to change the rate of time 'nudge' from 5 minutes to 1 minute per keystroke? (maybe some hidden parameter)
It would be a big time saver if some of You - Ruby masters - could come up with a plugin that:
a) allows for toggling between dates of spring/fall equinox (20/03 and 23/09 (in 2021)) coupled with setting summer time (for example Poland standard (winter time) is UTC+1, and DST (summer time) is UTC+2 - usefull for checking east and west facing windows for insolation with worse case scenario (preferably manual setting of dates of checking and time zones by user - save in settings;
b.) has ability to set hours range - say from 7 a.m to 5 p.m - preferably user input saved in settings;
c.) allows to toggle if arrow keys nudge the time slider within set range by one minute per keystroke (preferably a setting of no. of minutes per keystroke - saved at settings)
One of my sketchup uses is to check window insolation, and trust me, there is no plugin that checks that correctly in 'auto-mode'. I have to revert to manual check for more problematic cases. Constant changing dates, time zones, hours and minutes is not very 'time efficient', and is prone to error, as one can forget changing one paramter...
Hope this is an inspiration for a usefull plugin - even paid one for us all - insolation checkers
Did you try Animator? I've used it in the past to animate shadows over time.
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