Help with finding a plugin
There is (or was) a plugin that would export a number of files to be used in post-production. The files were similar to some of the render elements that can be exported from the likes of Vray, etc. One was black and white only, similar to an alpha channel, another would fill the scene with solid colors (so that it would be easy to select areas in Photoshop), and so on.
I cannot remember the name of the plugin nor the author's name. I hope at least one of you remember this plugin's name.
Thanks in advance.
I am afraid not. In fact, it is CompoScene, as suggested by Eneroth at the other forum. Thanks anyway.
... sorry
apparently I missed that Renderiza´s CompoScene plugin has taken over [SU]Ch
Never mind. Thanks anyway.
This one was free and was the one I remembered that existed. It is CompoScene's predecessor.