Castle Neuschwanstein - not finished yet
Impressive !
That is amazing mate
I think it is nice of NASA to lend you their computer
I always wonder how guys like you get the dimensions and all of the information needed to do work like this.
I actually saw the castle when I was stationed in Germany (US Army - was stationed in Baumholder) in the late 60's.
That's incredible! Great job!
Damn! That's amazing, Kohls. Curious about your source materials. Did you use only photographs, or did make site visits or have access to drawings?
Hi, only photos from the internet.
Two good sources are: -
Awesome work!
Congrats. -
Very nice piece of elf torture there, fantastic job.
It is difficult to get good photos. The Bavarian Palace Department pays close attention to the photography ban on the castle grounds.
Have you finished it yet?
Hi L i am,
I'm just a bit lazy right now. I only rendered the pictures for the board. Until last week I worked on the tram.
Greetings from Germany
Matthias -
Sorry Matthias, I was joking. I am well aware how how enormous that is
As a child I was there with my parents - later then I myself with my own. And yes, one wonders how that is possible! A long-term task with certainty. I would like to bet that there are not so many 3D data attempts of this impressive castle complex.Respect, I'm so impressed!