Thanks to you guys, well it's more or less two thousands hours, including video, but not work, just pleasure!

Latest posts made by elmer
RE: ATLANTIS - Leon Krier
RE: Render+watercolour in Fotosketcher
Wow, great, love it, congrats. Might be worth to have a look at that soft.
RE: ATLANTIS - Leon Krier
Thank you all.
@majid: Sure majid but it was not the goal we had definite with Leon krier. We both wanted to have a strict drawing.
@tuna 1957: Here you are.
ATLANTIS - Leon Krier
Hi all,
It’not often that I post in the gallery but I hope you will like this one and of course, as it still is time, I wish you all the very best for 2022.
RE: Modélisation d'un terrain
Tout d’abord, une petite précision page 3: SketchUp a été crée par la société @Last Software en 2000, racheté en 2006 par Google puis en 2012 par Trimble, rendons à César etc…d’autant que pour la petite histoire les rachats successifs, d’un pur intérêt commercial toutes les deux, n’ont pas apporté d’évolution majeure à la qualité initiale du soft…
Concernant votre projet, bon courage dans votre lutte contre l’autisme de nos dirigeants actuels.
Techniquement, après avoir parcouru votre rapport dont je reconnais les avantages par rapport au projet initial, je ne vois pas l’utilité à ce stade d’une modélisation topo plus fine, les vues 3d des pages 26 et 29 me plaisent beaucoup quand à leur sobriété, mais bien sur gagnerai en conviction par un rendu photo-réaliste plus élaboré, eau, sable, digue, végétation.
Bienvenue sur le forum! Il n’y a que ce fil en français mais plusieurs « gourou » de langue anglaise le suivent également
et je pense qu’il y aura des réponses plus techniques à vos interrogations.Ps: belle photo de la Giant's Causeway qui me rappelle de très bon souvenir de l'année 1971 alors que j'étais enseignant en Irlande du Nord.
RE: Metro Residence
Can't say better than Liam : "I think "mission accomplished" Looks livable and has completly captured the aesthetic and vernacular".
The original inspiration is totally transcended in the realization. -
RE: Life is Just a Bowl of Cherries....
Impressive rendering! Congrats!
I'm curious about your quote on the original cherries modeling "ANARCHIVN", can't find anything related on the web...
Thanks for telling us more about. -
RE: Salt Racer
Nice work Tuna.
Waiting to see it finished.That Google page is really groovy: HornOxx
"...obviously - I'm not the only gray-haired one here"
Oh yeah, some of us don't even have one single hair left...@ Mike
"because most of us did not have a tv."
I said that to my grand son, he just laugh at me!and be careful not to finish like that
RE: How to get rid of that start screen
Well, I must apologize if I’m making things confused and convoluted to some, but they may not have read that other great thread:
and this one too: yes, I am one of those old fart who think that the planet would be much better off if we weren't in a frenzy of consumption, always upgrading and trying to go desperately faster!
Many softwares kindly offer a small checkbox to untick if you don't want to see the home screen appear at each new opening.
I feel like an intrusive injonction the way the SketchUp Make starting screen ask me to say hello!
Sorry to point it out, but it was not like that with Google SketchUp Free
True also that being retired gives us plenty of time to complain and moan a little bit about the way things are going......