New computer and Matter Port mesh
I was wondering if others, preferably with a computer with similar specs to mine, could test this model out.Just got new laptop and just started playing around with doing site surveys with Matterport's 3d camera. The problem is I'm getting the same lag issue with my old desktop as on my new laptop (possibly worse)
I just got this laptop and am a bit underwhelmed:
I started with a clean windows install and new drivers, but am still having issues inside Sketchup pro 2018. I thought with the better graphics card and processor I would have no problems, but alas.
Would anyone be able to see how this model preforms on their system? I get a significant stutter / lag issue where navigating:
I'm not sure if with this is just too much geometry and file size for Sketchup to handle, or if I need to tweak my system. Any advice is welcome.
Here's the laptop specs:
Gigabyte Aero 15X v8-BK4
Geforce GTX 1070 9with max Q design)
512G SSD
Windows 10
SU Pro 2018Thanks in advance
Same problem here. Tested with a 7700HQ and gtx1080 (external via Thunderbolt).
When rotating, 1 cpu core is 100% maxed out, the others are barely used. Gfx card at 35% max. SU 2018 has difficulty in handling this much polys (400k). If you could split up the scene into smaller parts and hide a few of them, you will see some increase in speed.
A faster desktop might help a small bit but SketchUp always has trouble with these kind of files. Maybe version 2019 will surprise us.
Have you tried opening the file in Blender. You might be surprised by how that program handles the file.
... the same here, IĀ“m running a Dell Precision Notebook (4core Xeon CPU) with a Nvidia Quadro M2000M GPU)
Okay, Thanks all...guess it's a limitation with SU and not so much my system.
FYI to use the mesh, I've pulled line work from a series of plan sections at 2',4',6',etc.
stacked them, and then traced my walls with cleaner line work on a transparent plane sitting above the stack. The scan is pretty damn accurate so it's super helpful for getting an as-built model quickly. I'll try lofting the walls thru the section slices later, but imagine that will be a slow process.Thanks!
I can't look at the model so I can't tell what data you have or what you do with it. For working in SU (on buildings) I don't think complex meshes are helpful and for creating most work simple planes are most useful. So transferring the input to planes that approximate the existing data is best, as it seems you are doing. Then portions of the mesh might be included for specific uses, in the file later, or in a composite file .