Has SU improved handling High poly models?
I was just wondering what has sketchup done to improve handling of high poly models. I just needed 3 chairs imported from 3ds format which run ultra smoothly on other platforms.. Im using SKP 17 The 3 chairs alone is 50mb . This set of chairs freezes everything else.
Re-modelling it will take me a day or so to be as close. I guess re-topo is something developers out there can think of to keep a lot of SU users happy.
Unfortunately I've always experienced this freeze issues with high-poly models in SketchUp and i didn't see any improvements to be honest. I can't even import some models (trees for example) without crashing SU to create their proxies for renders yet it's almost instant importing the same objects to Blender .
I don't know if this is a limitation of the Ruby programming itself or lazyness of SketchUp Team.
reduce the number of undo redo for win some memory place!
From what I read the thing with SU is the merge geometry feature. Edges merge with faces and with other edges.
Sketchup is constantly checking geometry to merge with other geometry. Usually when you group our turn such a model into a component it gets faster to handle, but as soon as you are inside those groups/components, or if you explode them you're doomed.
I use Thea studio to import this kind of models and turn them into proxies inside Sketchup, then it's easier for me to render the proxy box and quickly model it to make it look like the chair I need. With Thea, I can render interactivelly in Sketchup window and can model the chair while rendering, for a 3D photoreal reference that follows what I'm doing in sketchup.
Set a style to a Fast method so the viewport drawing is not taxing the system.
Also lower resolution of textures.
It can handle a lot of polys but if you want the viewport to display nice things like edge profiles and shadows you are asking a bit much.
Dumb down how it looks on screen and the poly handling improves.
It will never reach 3DS Max, Zbrush, Blender levels of poly handling but it can 0.5m polys on adequate systems.
@rich o brien said:
It will never reach 3DS Max, Zbrush, Blender levels of poly handling but it can 0.5m polys on adequate systems.
Never is a very long time...
But I tend to agree with you, SU just won't pull it - even on more than adequate systems.
Turn OFF shadows while working.
Use layers to hide part of the model you don't need to see while working.
Group any loose edges/faces.
Hide edges on imported heavy geometry by turning on wireframe mode and selecting all edges and hide them.
These things will help speed up SU viewport.
I have successfully imported three big Revit Hospital models with several millions of polys into the same SU scene without much trouble.
Things like importing and saving will take time though so check your autosave settings as a heavy model might freeze SU while autosaving. Try setting it for something like every 10 minutes so it wont go on to often but still save you hours of work if a crash would occur. -
Saves go faster if you deactivate generation of thumbnails and use a ssd.
did all those suggestions.. Strange that if I try to run cleanup , it gives me approximate hundreds of hours to process...
the way to go was import as proxy in vray... I have a full floor to fill with chairs and stuffs.. I long for a day we can import clean unbroken models seamlessly... without taxing the memory..
Perhaps mesh simplifying in MeshLab helps and does not do much deformation (or almost at all)? Free & easy if the object has no holes (If I remember correctly the manifold has to be closed). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_r-cT2jngk