Plane of nothing
I am sure this has been discussed many times but I do not know where to look. Does anyone know how to get rid of the problem where as you zoom in to edit something the "plane of nothing" apears hiding the part of the model you are trying to is infuriating
Does anyone know how to ameliorate this issue?
It called clipping. It is where the distance range the camera can display is either too large or small.
In 3D apps you can only see a certain distance. Zooming into to 1mm or out to 1km will cause clipping.
If your camera is in parallel projection you can zoom in closer but if the perspective camera is somewhere near the object then as you zoom out in parallel mode clipping will occur.
I tend to use SHIFT + Z to zoom to extents while in perspective mode then swap to parallel to prevent clipping in parallel mode.
If clipping occurs in perspective mode you are either too close or far from the model because of the range of the clipping value.
SketchUp offers no control over this value so it's something you need to work with.
SketchUp is also particularly prone to this for the some or other reason. I've had clipping happen when I'm not even zoomed in so close (or far), but as Rich said, you'll need to get used to it and work with it. At least, for the time being.
the clipping distance in Sketchup is mostly related to the size of the model.
if you have a model with objects 1km distant from each other, your clipping distance will probably be greater than 30cm.
Reduce that distance to 100m and the clipping distance will be 1cm.
So the zoom extends button is good to check if there are no small objects LOST very far from the main model and hindering the clipping distance.
If your model is on purpose very large and you need to edit small objects, maybe it´s ideal to copy the object and paste it on another Sketchup window, edit and return it. Or maybe use with Components and edit them outside the model and have them update automatically, etc.
Thank you, Gentlemen
Do you think this issue is solvable in theory? What I mean by that is, do you think there would be a day where this issue may disappear by Trimble tweaking the program or is it inherent. I am sure I am not the only one that finds this problematic.
I ask the question but think that if a fix was possible it would have been fixed already -
It's not a case of fixing it.
Every 3D app has a camera to view the workspace. That camera has a min and max drawing range.
If you allow the user to control the drawing range then you end up with visual oddities at small or large scale.
It probably gonna be solved, or improved, at some point. Most likely via VR tech.
Sketchup has a hidden camera troubleshooting dialog that is triggered active by Thomthom's Camera Tools (you can do it in the console too but I don't know how).
With SU2017 Jiminy-Billy-Bob found that this dialog showed up a new tab for camera clipping distance.
If it's exposed there, it means Trimble is at least exploring the issue starting from 2017. If that will bring good news for 2018 or not, I cannot, of course, know.
Just type...
Sketchup.send_action 10624
...into the Ruby Console to gain access to the Camera Clipping values
If you zoom and pan in the viewport you can see how SketchUp adjusts this value range on the fly.