Hobbits be here
WOW !!!! This is simply wonderful and magical and I have no Idea how this is possible
Would you do me the favor to post a sketchup screenshot of this scene to give me an impression of how something like this is done? -
Signed Gandalf! -
The mood. The scene. The render. The model.
simply wonderful
Really good to see more of your amazing work. Simply incredible! I'd give anything to be able to create such models.
Looks good Peter, you mentioned the vines is there now an ivy grower inside skatter ? I did request it a while back fingers crossed.
@chedda said:
Looks good Peter, you mentioned the vines is there now an ivy grower inside skatter ? I did request it a while back fingers crossed.
I do not know if Skatter will have an Ivy generator soon, however I did use the IVY generator plugin and made my vine very thin then used skatter on the vertices to populate the vines. I wishe there was more Skatter control over the population however.
Thanks for the reply, fingers crossed they implement it as the original stand alone program is open source i believe. I never had success with the ivy plugin was always unpredictable and weird with osx. Anyway good idea to combine the two.
Looks like a film production still. Outstanding work, Pete.
- topic:timeago-later,21 days